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Forth game engine #33

Open RogerLevy opened 8 years ago

RogerLevy commented 8 years ago

Before anything thanks @larsbrinkhoff for the random invite to the group. This is great.

I've finally got my game engine up on github. It's split into 2 repos - originally it was a Mercurial project and one was a subrepo of the other, which didn't translate over so for now you have to do things manually.

In Forth spirit, the engine is a little bit different. In fact it is really a platform supporting the development of "engine definitions". That's the core idea anyway. Engine definitions are meant to be drop-ins optimized for a specific kind of game in mind and from there similar ones. We're currently focusing on 2D, 32-bit desktop games.

The two big features that make this tool special are:

  1. A well-factored Core of common game and development support
  2. A new way to manage "namespaces", called Idioms, built on plain old ANS wordlists. Idioms function like virtual dictionaries, bundling selections of what you care about in a given application domain behind words that rewrite the search order when executed.

The sole pack-in engine definition, called Saturn, is pretty much an ordinary, nearly feature-complete 2D game engine. Emphasis on nearly.

Additionally there is a built-in interactive console, and someday there will be a RAD environment implementing a bunch of ideas I've been working on for a while.

It makes use of these libraries, which are included.

Check it out.

RickCarlino commented 8 years ago

Where did you write the "idioms" stuff? Is it online yet? Sounds very interesting.

larsbrinkhoff commented 8 years ago

You're welcome!

I believe is the official GitHub copy of FFL.

RogerLevy commented 8 years ago

thanks @larsbrinkhoff , made that change.

@RickCarlino , yes, in idiom.f under engine/lib, ANS compatible (AFAIK), with extensive documentation, so you can start learning it and trying it out right away. 2 key things to note: parent idioms come with their imports, but imported idioms do not (only the public words are imported).

lowfatcomputing commented 7 years ago

I'll see you at the September SV-FIG meetup, @rogerlevy !

RogerLevy commented 7 years ago

I'll be there, @lowfatcomputing, digitally. I wrote up my presentation notes for Bubble today :)

DRuffer commented 7 years ago

@rogerlevy would you consider presenting to a SVFIG meeting sometime, assuming we figure out the remote guest thingie this month?

RogerLevy commented 7 years ago

@DRuffer I was planning on presenting at a SVFIG meeting either this month or November, after sitting in and getting a feel for others' presentations. I read that Google Hangouts On Air is what's going away (regular Hangouts isn't going anywhere.) And the replacement is YouTube Live.

SVFIG-Kevin commented 7 years ago
  It looks like this month will be a combination of YouTube Live (for remote viewing) and Skype (for remote presenters).  Roger, please contact me about getting on the schedule ---    
  I think the best thing for you to do is an hour in October (after we've had a little more experience) and a short summary talk at Forth Day in November.
DRuffer commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure that Roger's original topic: "Forth game engine" should be closed, but the Hangouts On Air replacement discussion, which sort of took over this topic, has certainly taking the next stage, and might be better served over in my repository: