Fortigate / AutoAFK2

AFK Journey Automation
21 stars 5 forks source link

Readme updates #19

Open mlenser opened 3 weeks ago

mlenser commented 3 weeks ago

The readme says Run AutoAFK2.exe, but there is only adb.exe or Could you clarify how to run it?

Could you also possibly clarify basic ADB or emulator instructions? I haven't run either in a few years, but am technical enough. Do we just plug in the phone, run adb, and then run the script? Does it work on an emulator like BlueStacks?

Fortigate commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, inside the Autoafk2 folder there should be the executable:


As for the second part absolutely, I'll write up some proper documentation in the coming week. Ideally the bot is used with an emulator on PC, I've seen people use it on a connected phone device in practice but that requires a bit more technical knowledge to set up.