FortunaSS13 / Fortuna

Former repository for the Fortuna 13 server
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powerfist gas usage removal/improvments #478

Closed AdamElTablawy closed 2 years ago

AdamElTablawy commented 2 years ago

About The Pull Request

everyone said the powerfist using gas is bad, so i got rid of it

also, whoever coded the powerfist didn't understand that AP values on it do nothing as it directly applied damage

i changed it up some. now the powerfist, rather than using gas, changes its attack delay based on setting. on setting 1, it does 25 damage, on setting 2, it does 50 damage. attackspeed is adjusted so that depending on setting, it attacks slower (to compensate for the additional damage.) it also throws you the same distance universally and this only changes depending on the type.

the centurion's powerfist, the goliath, is adjusted so that it actually throws you farther now, as opposed to the literally nothing different it did before.

basically-setting 1, normal attackspeed, 4 hit crit. setting 2, 2hit crit, 2x the attackspeed.

Why It's Good For The Game

everyone hated the gas stuff and this is easier to tweak, also means that it's now possible just to add a displacer glove etc or adjust the distance the powerfist throws you rather than being setting dependent

Pre-Merge Checklist

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This PR has been inactive for long enough to be automatically marked as stale. This means it is at risk of being auto closed in ~ 7 days, please address any outstanding review items and ensure your PR is finished, if these are all true and you are auto-staled anyway, you need to actively ask maintainers if your PR will be merged. Once you have done any of the previous actions then you should request a maintainer remove the stale label on your PR, to reset the stale timer. If you feel no maintainer will respond in that time, you may wish to close this PR youself, while you seek maintainer comment, as you will then be able to reopen the PR yourself