FortuneN / FineCodeCoverage

Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)
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Addtional option to get the results in csv format #391

Open AshwinPrksh opened 5 months ago

AshwinPrksh commented 5 months ago

Installed product versions


I need an additional option to get the results in csv fomat along with html

Steps to recreate

  1. Run unit tests
  2. Open Fine Code Coverage Window

Current behavior

Generates report in html by default

Expected behavior

Need option to get the results in csv format

tonyhallett commented 5 months ago

You can convert the Cobertura.xml as desired

tonyhallett commented 5 months ago

I will provide some MEF hooks at some point so you can extend FCC with your own extension.

AshwinPrksh commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the reply