FortuneN / FineCodeCoverage

Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)
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Shows Not Covered For Private Method Called by Tested Public Method #392

Closed pharris-emerson closed 5 months ago

pharris-emerson commented 5 months ago

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When viewing a file that has unit tests written for it, it shows private methods not being covered but which are called by public methods that are covered.

Expected behavior

I expect the coverage shown to include the private method that is called by a covered public method.

tonyhallett commented 5 months ago

Want to show an example

tonyhallett commented 5 months ago

Private methods receive coverage unless you have excluded them. Are you sure they are private methods and not Action/Func fields ? If you do not provide a solution to look at then you cannot receive any assistance and I will have to close this issue.

tonyhallett commented 5 months ago

It is possible that you are running the old style coverage which copies dlls to a new location. This can effect tests where you are using file paths. If this is the case then see if the Ms Code Coverage option gives expected results. Closing as I cannot assist if you do not provide anything to work with.