FortuneN / FineCodeCoverage

Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)
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Are you planning to update the version of microsoft.codecoverage? #393

Closed tYoshiyuki closed 4 months ago

tYoshiyuki commented 5 months ago

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I have always found Fine Code Coverage very useful.

As per the subject line, do you have any plans to update the version of microsoft.codecoverage, the library used inside Fine Code Coverage?

I am using Fine Code Coverage in a huge C# (ASP.NET Core) project. We have more than 10,000 test cases. (I am sorry, but due to business reasons, I am not able to share the solution files.) I am using Fine Code Coverage in RunMsCodeCoverage mode. We are not using our own runsettings and are using the default behavior of Fine Code Coverage.

As a workaround, we were able to resolve the situation by updating the version of microsoft.codecoverage from 17.1.0 to 17.9.0

By upgrading microsoft.codecoverage, OutOfMemoryException no longer occurs, so we believe that Fine Code Coverage itself is not the problem and microsoft.codecoverage is the cause. Currently, the problem is not a problem at all. I have looked for an issue of microsoft.codecoverage, but have not been able to identify the direct cause. I am sorry.

Currently, the above workaround has solved the problem, but it would be helpful if you could update the version of the library as the tool itself.

tonyhallett commented 5 months ago

I will update after I have released what I am currently working on. Be a day or two

tYoshiyuki commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the reply! I am waiting for your update.

tonyhallett commented 4 months ago

Done. Thanks for the information.