FortuneN / FineCodeCoverage

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Any way to exclude assemblies with a wildcard ? #396

Closed lde-net2 closed 4 months ago

lde-net2 commented 4 months ago

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In a big solution, we have few dozens of tests projects All named like their parent project, suffixed with "Tests".. eg: Company.Project.Tests => assembly Company.Project.Tests.dll

is there a way to exclude them all in the assemblies exclude config with *.Tests ??

Steps to recreate

added config "Tests", "*.Tests" in FCC options refreshed the UI

Current behavior

coverage is still generated for any Tests project

Expected behavior

projects excluded by wildcard in name.

tonyhallett commented 4 months ago

lde-net2 commented 4 months ago

Thanks !! Sorry i missed it in the doc.