FortuneN / FineCodeCoverage

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Test debugging not possible #407

Open davidefer opened 4 months ago

davidefer commented 4 months ago

Installed product versions

Steps to recreate

  1. Enable the extension
  2. set a breakpoint in a google test
  3. in test explorer, debug the test
  4. several exceptions are thrown: breakpoint instruction executed (no file available), access violation in xstring line 398,

Current behavior

Debugging not possible when the extension is enabled

Expected behavior

One should be able to debug the tests also if the extension is enabled

Side Notes

tonyhallett commented 4 months ago

C++ is not properly supported. The extension is made for C# and VisualBasic.

I am not sure if this is FCC related. From ( which is not using FCC )

For C++ projects, ensure that the generated .pdb files have full debug information. Open the project properties and verify that Linker > Debugging > Generate Debug Info is set to Generate Debug Information optimized for sharing and publishing (/DEBUG:FULL).

Does this help ?

davidefer commented 4 months ago

Hi Tony no it doesn't help for the exception but it was anyway helpful because now I see the proper coverage in my source file (before it was not completely correct). Actually the C++ support is not bad at all, but I've not tested thoroughly. Thank you!

tonyhallett commented 3 months ago

Although not related to this issue I thought that you might want to check thise section