FortuneN / FineCodeCoverage

Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)
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Not able to see the Tests #428

Closed tawsif-patel closed 3 weeks ago

tawsif-patel commented 4 weeks ago

Installed product versions


I am not able to see the list of tests.

Replace this text with a short description image

Steps to recreate

  1. Replace this
  2. text with
  3. the steps
  4. to recreate

Current behavior

Explain what it's doing and why it's wrong

Expected behavior

Explain what it should be doing after it's fixed.

Side Notes

tonyhallett commented 4 weeks ago

The asterisk on the coverage log tab is present when coverage is being collected. If no results are shown when coverage completes then please provide some context.