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Feature - Generate own report from cobertura #49

Open tonyhallett opened 3 years ago

tonyhallett commented 3 years ago

If dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool changes its internal data structure then the report window will no longer work

tonyhallett commented 3 years ago

Background for anyone taking on this feature.

Code required to understand own report generation

Here are built in reporters

The cobertura reporter

        public static CoverageReport ProcessCoberturaXmlFile(string xmlFilePath, out List<CoverageLine> coverageLines)
            coverageLines = new List<CoverageLine>();

            var report = LoadReportFile(xmlFilePath);

                        // the report is deserialized cobertura - create report from it !

            foreach (var package in report.Packages.Package)
                foreach (var classs in package.Classes.Class)
                    foreach (var line in classs.Lines.Line)
                        coverageLines.Add(new CoverageLine
                            Package = package,
                            Class = classs,
                            Line = line

            return report;

The unified xml is deserialized in to the CoverageReport class.

It should be relatively simple to create a wpf table that replicates the html report

tonyhallett commented 3 years ago

Further background

tonyhallett commented 3 years ago


Further to our video call discussion where it was desired for the microserver to return the report in a generic format. I was thinking using json over xml as would be better for html report generation.

The change could be as simple as

//unifiedJson - report type and path to change, may even be beneficial providing a custom IReportBuilder.  Can remove
//autogenerated classes with the report generator class filter.
ReportGeneratorUtil.RunReportGenerator(coverOutputFiles, darkMode, out var unifiedJson, out var unifiedXmlFile, true); 

//new method
//this will just set a var on the page to be processed by javascript again calling back through window.external
GenerateHtmlFile(unifiedJson,darkMode,out var coverageHTML )

A) Do you want to continue using an html file in visual studio ? If so How would you like the js ? Vanilla, knockout or react ? If the latter do you want scripts embedded in the page ? How would you like this tested ? Puppeteer or something specific to framework if used ? Do you want to leave it up to me ? I will replicate current functionality with the addition of branch coverage. If desired I can add the grouping and filtering that report generator provides. image Later can incorporate visual studio options for the report display.

I am good to do this tomorrow.