ForumPostAssistant / FPA

The Forum Post Assistant (FPA) script has been developed to assist Joomla!® forum posters to be able to post relevant system, instance, PHP and troubleshooting information directly in to a pre-formatted forum post. This will save a few hours of posting back and forth, asking for, and explaining how to acquire useful information in order for other forum users to help troubleshoot a problem.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Multilanguage #10

Closed elkuku closed 12 years ago

elkuku commented 12 years ago

Some minor bugs fixed, converted some more defines and added a lot of new language strings. Thanks to the friendly OpenTranslators team at Transifex :)

PhilD13 commented 12 years ago

I went ahead and merged as I think the following errors are from something minor.

There are some issues with certain languages and the Core Folders Permissions Checks section of the FPA The error I get is Undefined index and it occurs in lines: 4972 4977 4982 5000 5009 The offending languages are: be-BY fi-FI id-ID it-IT pl-PL pt-BR

I think it may have something to do with this

if ( substr( $modecheck[$show]['mode'],1 ,1 ) == '7' OR substr( $modecheck[$show]['mode'],2 ,1 ) == '7' ) {

possibly the 'mode' as the section appears to work in the other languages.

Another small issue I see (it has been there awhile, I just forgot to mention it before is

Warning: is_writable() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/dev/shm) is not within the allowed path(s): I believe the error is from somewhere around line 6289 where it looks for session_save_path() or more likely just above that line where it deals with if ( isset( $phpenv['phpOPENBASE'] ) ) { Anyway that is probably the general area.
