ForumPostAssistant / FPA

The Forum Post Assistant (FPA) script has been developed to assist Joomla!® forum posters to be able to post relevant system, instance, PHP and troubleshooting information directly in to a pre-formatted forum post. This will save a few hours of posting back and forth, asking for, and explaining how to acquire useful information in order for other forum users to help troubleshoot a problem.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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github location #38

Closed brianteeman closed 6 years ago

brianteeman commented 6 years ago

shouldnt this be under the joomla-projects account?

RussW commented 6 years ago

It started as a "proposal", hence being under one of my own accounts, my plan was once we got the UI under our belts and a group of people that were interested in building the v2, then I'd move it over to the Official FPA account as a branch... I guess maybe it's that time?

brianteeman commented 6 years ago

let me know and i can make the appropriate requests

sozzled commented 6 years ago

For the present I would like to keep this proposal relatively quiet (away from the hurly-burly of the Joomla Git), not that I don't consider the input from a broader group to be unhelpful but because it may become difficult to keep our efforts focused. Up to this point the development effort in building the software has been in the hands of one or two workers; the rest of us are "supervisors" (hah-hah).

FPA v2 is barely past the conceptualising phase. When there's a more viable demo available then, sure, we should take further steps to seek a wider Git audience (knowing, of course, that the broader involvement will try to change the goal-posts, redesign the interface and probably undo the work we few have already attempted). I guess it makes sense, though, not to have two FPA redesign projects running in parallel or in conflict with one another.

Conceptualising any new proposal necessarily involves both a technical and a user-focused POVs. I'm not saying that broadening the horizons—settling this mini-project under the broader Joomla Git umbrella—is wrong; I'm only saying that we've barely begun identifying the parts we need (let alone have we commenced designing the parts) before we've begun the assembly. So, if FPA v2 is moved now, that may be good or it may be bad (I don't know) but the sheer volume of noise may be deafening; I may not be able to handle it.

There are other people whom we respect who do more than their fair share of helping out on the forum. We might want to reach out to them to seek their input in working out the needs of FPA v2.

brianteeman commented 6 years ago

It's nothing to do with noise but about joomla code living under the project and having the visibility to be improved by the entire project.

brianteeman commented 6 years ago

And it should never be about limiting the input to people you like/respect. That's completely against the ethos that joomla is built upon.

sozzled commented 6 years ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm cleaning the dust off my ear-plugs already, mate.

mandville commented 6 years ago

Is this actually joomla core code that belongs on joomla properties or is it a code developed by joomla people to assist joomla users? yes, the fpa1 is on crowdin under a joomla project for translations but that again is not joomla core code.

RussW commented 6 years ago

IMHO : FPA v1 has always been a minor and third-party project although used quite extensively in the early days. With the improvements offered by Joomla! and the hosting industry in general it is less of a "required tool" today and more of a "useful tool".

It's never been part of the main Joomla! Project and has never been sanctioned by, or directly associated with the Project as a whole. If it were, there are far better developers in that group, that could do some smarter stuff than I did initially.

For me personally, although I'm not adverse to the idea, I think that unless there is a formal/official request for FPA to be included under the Official Project umbrella from the Project/PLT/Marketing etc, then it continues to stay as a side-project within it's own Github environment.

AND, at this time, the v2 development repository also stays off the Official FPA Github page until there is more to show, otherwise there will potentially be downloads and (as mentioned) some unnecessary "white-noise" in the early stages.

RussW commented 6 years ago

If there's no opposition or alternative options to this outcome at this time, shall we close?