ForumPostAssistant / FPA

The Forum Post Assistant (FPA) script has been developed to assist Joomla!® forum posters to be able to post relevant system, instance, PHP and troubleshooting information directly in to a pre-formatted forum post. This will save a few hours of posting back and forth, asking for, and explaining how to acquire useful information in order for other forum users to help troubleshoot a problem.
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Change "SEF URL'S" to "SEO SETTINGS" and related matters #84

Closed sozzled closed 4 years ago

sozzled commented 4 years ago

For consistency with J!'s Global Configuration panel, change the following lines in the FPA

Line 4838, from

                                            echo '[b]'. _FPA_CFG .' '. _FPA_OPTS .' :: Offline:[/b] '. $instance['configOFFLINE'] .' | [b]SEF:[/b] '. $instance['configSEF'] .' | [b]SEF Suffix:[/b] '. $instance['configSEFSUFFIX'] .' | [b]SEF ReWrite:[/b] '. $instance['configSEFRWRITE'] .' | ';
                                            echo '[b].htaccess/web.config:[/b] ';


                                            echo '[b]'. _FPA_CFG .' '. _FPA_OPTS .' :: Offline:[/b] '. $instance['configOFFLINE'] .' | [b]SEO:[/b] '. $instance['configSEF'] .' | [b]SEF Suffix:[/b] '. $instance['configSEFSUFFIX'] .' | [b]SEF ReWrite:[/b] '. $instance['configSEFRWRITE'] .' | ';
                                            echo '[b].htaccess/web.config:[/b] ';

Line 5825, from

                                                    <div class="d-block xsmall bg-light text-uppercase text-dark py-1 mb-1">SEF URL's</div>


                                                    <div class="d-block xsmall bg-light text-uppercase text-dark py-1 mb-1">SEO SETTINGS</div>

Fix typo at line 174, from

 * - if $isLOCAL = 1 : don't even access the _FPA_SEF_DESTRUCT routine


 * - if $isLOCAL = 1 : don't even access the _FPA_SELF_DESTRUCT routine
RussW commented 4 years ago

As the output(s) are explicitly displaying SEF settings, although the section heading is SEO, I'd be suggesting leaving the FPA option names as they are, so they directly relate to the displayed item.

Other changes done

sozzled commented 4 years ago

What's internal (to the program) is internal to the program. What's displayed to the user should reflect the user's common understanding. SEF URL's is just plain wrong (grammatically and semantically) when there's no such "setting" in J!.

Leave the variable names the same but I recommend changing what's displayed on the screen and in the FPA BBcode.

RussW commented 4 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 9 36 11 am Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 9 34 55 am

sozzled commented 4 years ago

That's one of three settings under the Heading "SEO Settings" in J!'s Global Configuration. I would like to keep these things the same


Yes, there's a "Search Engine Friendly URLs" setting within that group. I'm talking about what the user sees on their screen and what is displayed in the FPA BBcode, that's all. OK?

RussW commented 4 years ago

yes, and the "actual" items being displayed are the SEF settings

sozzled commented 4 years ago

Where do you see "SEF Settings" in the Global Configuration? I only see "SEO Settings" (with five separately configurable items under that heading). I think it's better to use the Global Configuration heading for what's displayed in the FPA and leave the actual items as they are.

RussW commented 4 years ago

Each setting being displayed is directly related to SEF only, not SEO as a whole, hence the panel heading being *SEF not SEO

sozzled commented 4 years ago

I disagree but I'll quietly acquiesce. I think my suggestion would be more relevant to the end user (to help them find what they may need to inspect or change) and you're taking a harder line, but c'est la vie. When it comes to usability our first priority should attend to the end user's experience.

RussW commented 4 years ago

It's a personal opinion impasse, I feel the same way regarding the changes, users have always discussed the SEF URLs, not SEO, hence I feel usability would be reduced with that change.

sozzled commented 4 years ago

OK. I'll close the discussion now. It can be revisited if/when anyone asks about what "SEF Settings" means and why it's used in the FPA but people need to look (a) in J! 3.x, System » Global Configuration » Site (to find SEO Settings) to change one or more of those SEF-related things, or (b) in J!4, System » Setup » Global Configuration » Site (to find SEO, after you scroll down a-ways) to change those things.