Fosome / garb

A Ruby wrapper for the Google Analytics API
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Analytics API deprecated (?) #127

Open owocki opened 12 years ago

owocki commented 12 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm reaching out because I am getting a nasty 404 error from GARB and/or Google Analytics. (I'm using GARB 1.8.9).

It seems to be occuring when I call Garb::Session.login(APP_CONFIG['ga_login'], APP_CONFIG['ga_password']).
After doing some digging, it looks like Google depracated one of their old Analytics APIS Unfortunately I don't see any GARB updates. I'm somewhat of a Rails n00b -- I checked out your repo, and I don't see any recent updates. -- Are you guys still supporting GARB? Do you have any workarounds for the deprecated API?

Best, Kevin

Sija commented 12 years ago

It seems that this version is not maintained anymore. You can check out many forks that are more or less up to date (including mine).