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support vCard Format Extensions:RCF 6474 Place of Birth, Place and Date of Death #132

Closed nutpantz closed 1 month ago

nutpantz commented 1 month ago


Feature description

this is a proposed standard and i know i would find it most useful in tracking people who have passed away. The base vCard 4.0 specification defines a large number of properties, including date of birth. This specification adds three new properties to vCard 4.0: place of birth, place of death, and date of death. there just needs a way to input the info into the app.

Why do you want this feature?

as i get older there is an ever greater number of people i know who have died. this would be a good way to keep track while keeping their info in my contacts you cant put anniversary in as "death"

needed contacts info is ever expanding for more and more important info. this is just one step that way

Additional information


The base vCard 4.0 specification [RFC6350] defines a large number of properties, including date of birth. This specification adds three new properties to vCard 4.0: place of birth, place of death, and date of death.

1.1. Terminology Used in This Document

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

Syntax specifications shown here use the augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) as described in [RFC5234], and are specified as in the base vCard specification [RFC6350].

2. Identification Property Extensions

2.1. Property: BIRTHPLACE


Property name: BIRTHPLACE

Purpose: To specify the place of birth of the object the vCard represents.

Value type: A single text value (default) or a single URI value.

Cardinality: *1

Property parameters: VALUE, LANGUAGE


Format definition:

  BIRTHPLACE-param =  "VALUE=" ("text" / "uri")
  BIRTHPLACE-value =  text / uri
     ; Value type and VALUE parameter MUST match.

  BIRTHPLACE-param =/  altid-param / language-param / any-param


  BIRTHPLACE:Babies'R'Us Hospital

2.2. Property: DEATHPLACE


Property name: DEATHPLACE

Purpose: To specify the place of death of the object the vCard represents.

Value type: A single text value (default) or a single URI value.

Cardinality: *1

Property parameters: VALUE, LANGUAGE


Format definition:

  DEATHPLACE-param =  "VALUE=" ("text" / "uri")
  DEATHPLACE-value =  text / uri
     ; Value type and VALUE parameter MUST match.

  DEATHPLACE-param =/  altid-param / language-param / any-param


  DEATHPLACE:Aboard the Titanic\, near Newfoundland

2.3. Property: DEATHDATE


Property name: DEATHDATE

Purpose: To specify the date of death of the object the vCard represents.

Value type: The default is a single date-and-or-time value. It can also be reset to a single text value.

Cardinality: *1

Property parameters: VALUE, CALSCALE, LANGUAGE

  CALSCALE can only be present when the value is a
  date-and-or-time value and actually contains a date or date-time.
  LANGUAGE can only be present when the value is text.

Description: The presence of a DEATHDATE property indicates that the subject of the vCard is known to be dead. The absence of this property makes no statement one way or the other.

Format definition:

  DEATHDATE-param =  DEATHDATE-param-date / DEATHDATE-param-text
  DEATHDATE-value =  date-and-or-time / text
     ; Value type and VALUE parameter MUST match.

  DEATHDATE-param-date =  "VALUE=date-and-or-time" / calscale-param
     ; calscale-param can only be present when DEATHDATE-value is
     ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time.

  DEATHDATE-param-date =  "VALUE=text" / language-param

  DEATHDATE-param =/  altid-param / any-param


  DEATHDATE;VALUE=text:circa 1800
Aga-C commented 1 month ago

It's a duplicate of