Add option to use compressed file inside the zip file without extracting it eg, If I compressed a video then I view video without extracting like in zarchiver
The main feature seems to work fine, but I see few issues around it:
Every text displayed to user should be in strings.xml, so it can be translated to other languages. Never hardcode them.
When I enter a zip file, it's not shown on the breadcrumbs.
When I want to go out from the zip, when I press the device's back button, it doesn't return to the previous folder but level above.
After entering the zip, in three dots menu there should be an option to unpack the file.
Adding to favorites and setting as parent directory should be hidden inside the zip.
Changing view type, sorting and showing hidden files shouldn't close the zip file.
When you select a file, none of the actions are working. They either throw exceptions or do nothing. IMHO, to make your lives easier, you can just hide these actions, since making them work would be another large feature.
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