FossifyOrg / General-Discussion

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Organization and app name #2

Closed naveensingh closed 9 months ago

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

The project name (FossifyX) is not set in stone either, if you guys have an idea for a better name, please let me know.

DwainZwerg commented 10 months ago

I find the name more appropriate and simpler than the old name.

sbstn87 commented 10 months ago

Maybe something simple (pun intended) like: FOSS, FLOSS or Libre? So it the result would be FLOSS Calendar, Libre Gallery?

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

@sbstn87 I thought about that too but I don't want the app names themselves to include such terms because the general population is not aware of them. I removed the "Simple-" part and renamed the repos to just generic Gallery, Calendar, File Manager, etc. I might still rename the apps so they are a little more unique and easily searchable but I don't have any ideas at the moment.

I chose FossifyX only because Fossify was already taken :)

Aga-C commented 10 months ago

FossifyX sounds good to me.

However, if you'd like to set some prefix to app names, I'd be against "Libre" if we'd translate names because e.g. in Polish "libre" is translated the same as "slow", so people would have negative associations.

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

Right, definitely won't add 'libre' as a prefix.

sbstn87 commented 10 months ago

So perhaps Free Calendar/Gallery?

Just throwing ideas.

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

@sbstn87 cmon, we can do better :smile:

mosiser commented 10 months ago

FossifyX sounds good to me too.

I'm against generic names, because it's difficult to identify univocally. When you tell someone to use "free calendar", they search for it on the internet, and everything and more will appear...

opusforlife2 commented 10 months ago


Because, you know, it's FOSS and it's gonna stay that way forever. ;)

This is a joke suggestion, of course. Generic names are confusing. (Although something like FOSS-il or FOSS_il might work. I'm not sure if search engines will distinguish these from "fossil".)

moneytoo commented 10 months ago

"Orange Mobile Tools" / "Orange" as prefix for individual apps

LucaRed commented 10 months ago

Too bad that @fossify was taken -- and it looks like it's not even actively used.

Personally, I'd like the Fossify Gallery, Fossify Calendar, etc. naming scheme.

tswistak commented 10 months ago

"Orange Mobile Tools" / "Orange" as prefix for individual apps

That's just asking for a lawsuit from Orange telecom πŸ˜‰

Too bad that @fossify was taken -- and it looks like it's not even actively used.

Personally, I'd like the Fossify Gallery, Fossify Calendar, etc. naming scheme.

It doesn't look copyrighted, so names like Fossify Gallery I think could be safely used. And it sounds nice. I just hope you won't go other way round with X Gallery etc. πŸ˜„

LucaRed commented 10 months ago

Fossify doesn't look like it's a registered trademark in the World Intellectual Property Organization database, so we should be safe on that name.*

* ...but I'm not a lawyer :)

HaneulCheong commented 10 months ago

In that case how about @fossifyapps for the project name and Fossify ____ for actual apps?

Doesn't seem to be taken yet:

ronniedroid commented 10 months ago

We can name them Suckless apps (Just kidding)

I also agree with @HaneulCheong on FossifyApps and Fossify _____ for apps.

or we can go with GratisApps and Gratis _____ for the apps.

sudoshindo commented 10 months ago

I wanted to suggest PureDroid but it's taken on GitHub, so instead I'll say PureDroidTools. Or maybe swap Tools with Apps.

BrodieRobertson commented 10 months ago

I like the sound of Pure Gallery, Pure Camera, etc

ronniedroid commented 10 months ago

Pure does sound like a good name yes

PureMobileApps, Pure _____.

On a side note, @BrodieRobertson wanna make a video about this to raise awareness?

EDIT: Should have added "wanna make a video ..... in case you are not already planing to"

BrodieRobertson commented 10 months ago

Why do you think I'm in this thread right now

sudoshindo commented 10 months ago

Mr. Linux YouTuber, can you please also promote the donation links so the devs can get a running start on this fork.

sbstn87 commented 10 months ago

Pure Apps (Pure Calendar, Pure Gallery, etc.) sounds great.

+1 from me

sudoshindo commented 10 months ago

Pure Tools or Pure Apps sounds too generic. Adding the word Droid in there adds a bit more identity to it. But that's just for the branding of the app suite.

When published on the Play Store, we just follow SMT's naming convention. Instead of Simple Mobile Calendar or Pure Droid Calendar, it's just Simple/Pure Calendar.

And when you install the app, we follow SMT's naming convention again, you remove the Simple/Pure from the name and your app drawer just says Calendar, or Gallery, or SMS Messenger.

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

I like the FossifyX org name because it indicates it's FOSS right in the name. I like the "Pure-" app name prefix too (e.g., Pure Calendar, Pure Camera), guess it will stick. The apps don't necessarily have to indicate the organization name or vice-versa.

"Orange Mobile Tools" / "Orange" as prefix for individual apps

@moneytoo well, in that case, we could also call them Green Gallery, Green Calendar, etc. The icons would look good too.

Anyway, I'll be buying the fossifyx domain soon, it's best not to enter a state of analysis paralysis.

sudoshindo commented 10 months ago

The apps don't necessarily have to indicate the organization name or vice-versa.

Fair point. Having related names is nice but it's not a must.

I just tried to follow the old naming format, and I personally don't vibe with fossifyx, but the fork owner gets the final say.

inson1 commented 10 months ago

Or maybe we could try contacting @fossify and get them change the name or delete org

Is there way how to contact them?

LucaRed commented 10 months ago

@naveensingh buy the domain soon, before some squatter takes it.

inson1 commented 10 months ago

@LucaRed @naveensingh better be safe than sorry, domains are cheap, so I wouldnt wait

inson1 commented 10 months ago

Or FossifyOrg

X does have bad connection to X (Twitter)

inson1 commented 10 months ago

But Pure apps and PureOrg doesnt sound bad at all

Anachron commented 10 months ago

What about keeping it extremely simple and just prefixing the apps with F? FGalary, FFiles, FCamera, FKeyboard, etc?

Edit: I however like the Fossify name. I think we should keep it.

sbstn87 commented 10 months ago

But Pure apps and PureOrg doesnt sound bad at all

I like Pure Apps/Tools and much better than Fossify.

inson1 commented 10 months ago

Yes, ORG and not COM, great idea!

RustoMCSpit commented 10 months ago


blu256 commented 10 months ago

My 2Β’ for what they are worth:

+1 for Pure Apps

Also Light would be a nice prefix and LightApps is a nice name which seems to be not taken. Or, to be more original and keep an implicit reference to FOSS, you could use the Fos prefix (yes, single "s"), which stands for "light" in Greek.

RustoMCSpit commented 10 months ago

Fos prefix (yes, single "s"), which stands for "light" in Greek.


ronniedroid commented 10 months ago

Someone should make a poll.

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

I already bought so I likely won't be changing the org name now. No website yet.

ronniedroid commented 10 months ago

I can help with the website if you need help.

I am a web dev.

RustoMCSpit commented 10 months ago

I already bought so I likely won't be changing the org name now. No website yet.

if the project is fossifyx then lets all agree to pronounce it fossifex and not fossifyx lmao

developist commented 10 months ago

As homage to the original my suggestion is 'SIMOTO' which is first 2 letter of every words of 'Simple Mobile Tools'.

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

I also had the idea of unique prefixes for each app e.g. Easy Calendar, Smooth Dialer, Minimalist Notes, Effortless Camera, Quick Contacts, Pure Gallery, etc. but a consistent prefix seems better.

App name poll:

~There won't be any more discussion related to names.~

naveensingh commented 10 months ago


Nice but too late.

ronniedroid commented 10 months ago

Will the organization name change too FossifyApps or FossifyMobileApps/Tools or is it staying as FossifyX?

inson1 commented 10 months ago

@ronniedroid or FossifyOrg

HaneulCheong commented 10 months ago

Yeah FossifyApps, FossifyOrg, etc. better than the random X suffix

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

The organisation name is Fossify. Now the X is only there in the url because I haven't changed it yet. Since @fossify is already taken, I'll pick @FossifyOrg as suggested by @inson1. That also matches the website.

To answer the previous question by @inson1: No, as per a GitHub discussion which I don't have the link to, GitHub Support no longer allows freeing unused usernames just because someone else wants to use it. There is no direct way to contact the organization. A few months ago, a gentleman happily gave me my username on his own, maybe they'll do to🀞.

I don't want to add the apps part because it limits us to apps only. I'll be transferring the library forks used by our apps in this organisation, maybe we'll have our own libraries in the future, maybe they'll be used by other developers in other projects. Who knows.

HaneulCheong commented 10 months ago

Sounds great!

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

As per the discussion, I'm going to rename FossifyX to FossifyOrg now, previous links to the organization will stop working so please update them if you have shared them anywhere. Thanks.

naveensingh commented 10 months ago

There won't be any more discussion related to names.

Ok so I know I said that but... the poll results are just not clear enough (yet at least). And surprisingly a lot of people are interested in helping with the name.

The most voted option has only 46% percent of the votes which means the majority has voted for something else. It would have been a clear winner if it was something like 60% or 70%. We'll likely do a second round and a maybe a final round with the top 2 voted names.

If you are in favor of a second round, please like this comment:

If you have a app name suggestion that you want to be included in the second round, please like and comment it there.