I'm a noob, and was using IdFixMinus-1.6.4-1.0.0.jar, It auto-remaps IDs, allowing mods to co-exist. According to IdFix, FossilArcheology is using the same IDs for:
10200 for both Fossil|itemfigurine and Fossil|dodoWing
10201 for both Fossil|potteryShard and Fossil|dodoWingCooked
3024 for Fossil|palaeorapheSlab and Fossil|palaeoraphePlanks
Is this an issue, or I'm I seeing things that aren't there?
I'm a noob, and was using IdFixMinus-1.6.4-1.0.0.jar, It auto-remaps IDs, allowing mods to co-exist. According to IdFix, FossilArcheology is using the same IDs for:
10200 for both Fossil|itemfigurine and Fossil|dodoWing
10201 for both Fossil|potteryShard and Fossil|dodoWingCooked
3024 for Fossil|palaeorapheSlab and Fossil|palaeoraphePlanks
Is this an issue, or I'm I seeing things that aren't there?