FosterCommerce / shipstation-connect

A plugin for Craft Commerce 2 that integrates with ShipStation.
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Shipped Status for GLS #34

Closed tadward closed 2 years ago

tadward commented 2 years ago

Craft isn't receiving the status of Shipped back from ShipStation when an order uses GLS as the carrier. It gets the status update from other carriers.

Is this something with ShipStation not passing that info? If so, any suggestions on this?

Shipstation Connect v 1.3.6

sjcallender commented 2 years ago

Are you seeing any errors logged within ShipStation and/or Craft?

tadward commented 2 years ago

No errors logged in Craft when looking at the logs. Nothing in ShipStation either.

sjcallender commented 2 years ago

Odd. Can you please send your composer.json + composer.lock files, a database backup from the server where this is happening, and a zip of the config/project/ folder, over to We can try to look into it from there.

johnnynotsolucky commented 2 years ago

@tadward can you confirm that ShipStation is definitely sending a shipnotify request to your application?

If so, are you able to you show the exact data that ShipStation sends to your application? Specifically I'd like to see the data for carrier, service and tracking_number.

Please sanitise the data so that tracking number and order number are fake, or only match orders in some test environment. Also note that ShipStation sometimes sends SS-UserName and SS-Password as query params in the request.

They generally send the data as query params:

$BASE_URL/actions/shipstationconnect/orders/process?action=shipnotify&order_number=<order #>&carrier=<carrier>&service=<service>&tracking_number=<tracking #>

If you need to, you can log each request URL and look for the shipstation logs once you've fired off a shipnotify notification from ShipStation

Craft::debug('Request URL: '. Craft::$app->request->url);
tadward commented 2 years ago

@johnnynotsolucky I am not sure how to confirm what ShipStation is sending and not sending.

tadward commented 2 years ago

This looks to be an issue with GLS and ShipStation and not the plugin. Orders are coming back to Craft and being marked as Shipped.

One last question, what is the delay when orders in SS are marked as Shipped to be pushed to Craft with the Shipped Status and tracking info updated?

johnnynotsolucky commented 2 years ago

@tadward AFAIK there isn't (much of) a delay. I think that the requests are fired as part of the flow in ShipStation. In Craft, once the request is received, the data is updated immediately.