Open FoulDev opened 1 month ago
Problem identified: libvips was linked with libc++, whereas we're linking with libstdc++, resulting in an API match and ABI mismatch.
// _ZNK4vips6VImage14bandjoin_constE St 6vectorId S aIdEE PNS_7VOptionE
// _ZNK4vips6VImage14bandjoin_constENSt3__16vectorIdNS1_9allocatorIdEEEEPNS_7VOptionE
vips::VImage::bandjoin_const(std:: vector<double, std:: allocator<double> >, vips::VOption*) const;
vips::VImage::bandjoin_const(std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, vips::VOption*) const;
Possible solutions:
A docker container is needed to reliably build Spraymaker for Windows on x86_64.
I've been using the following container as a starting point, but haven't had success in getting Spraymaker to link against libvips.
Using the prebuilt binary from
Attempting to compile via
Results in
Manually passing the link library directory results in
Which is one of the tamer linker errors I've gotten attempting this.