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Sometimes opening the manifest does not work #86

Closed jperl closed 12 years ago

jperl commented 12 years ago

Says loading the whole time

jperl commented 12 years ago

It seems RouteDestination loading gets stuck sometimes, potentially check/force refresh.

jperl commented 12 years ago

0f9866df62ead156637a8fcccba7b73f4b7e03b4 fixes when barcodes do not load

jperl commented 12 years ago

Race condition, when submit changes happens after load. It causes problems

jperl commented 12 years ago

Seems that images are getting stuck in the loading bar. Need to force refresh/catch exceptions..

jperl commented 12 years ago


Issue #86: Fixed race condition manifests now wait for submit changes before loading details. QRCodes stop waiting after 10 seconds, fixed issue with error condition. Prevent opening manifests if submitting or loading.