Foundation-Devices / passport-firmware

Firmware for Passport v1
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Animated QR codes should show page count progress down the bottom #93

Open Transisto opened 2 years ago

Transisto commented 2 years ago

For example if the QR is made of 10 images it should show 1/10 2/10 ect down the bottom.

This is useful to know when scanning if the QR is not being captured properly by the camera or if it's just a very long one.

jeandudey commented 2 years ago

Hello @Transisto,

Currently, we can't show on Passport the progress/parts left of the animated QR Code as the algorithm that we use to make animated QR codes creates an indefinite sequence of parts (fountain encoding^bcr-2020-005-ur) so it would show like 11/10, 12/10, etc. if 10 parts are needed. However, the application/program scanning the QR codes can show the number of parts left to scan (when at least one of the QR codes was scanned), either in number form or as a percentage, Envoy already does the latter. Is there any application or program that doesn't show it?