FoundationDB / fdb-kubernetes-operator

A kubernetes operator for FoundationDB
Apache License 2.0
238 stars 81 forks source link

Increase the replacement wait time #2079

Closed johscheuer closed 1 week ago

johscheuer commented 1 week ago


We have seen a few failures for those test cases where the default 5 min timeout was not enough. The failures were observed when multiple test suites were running in parallel.

Type of change

Please select one of the options below.









foundationdb-ci commented 1 week ago

Result of fdb-kubernetes-operator-pr on Linux CentOS 7

johscheuer commented 1 week ago

Result of fdb-kubernetes-operator-pr on Linux CentOS 7

  • Commit ID: 73960f8
  • Duration 2:51:58
  • Result: ❌ FAILED
  • Error: Error while executing command: if $fail_test; then exit 1; fi. Reason: exit status 1
  • Build Log terminal output (available for 30 days)
  • Build Workspace zip file of the working directory (available for 30 days)
  [FAILED] in [It] - /codebuild/output/src157854643/src/ @ 06/25/24 11:30:55.978
• [FAILED] [20.905 seconds]
Operator Upgrades upgrading a cluster without chaos [It] Upgrade from 7.1.57 to 7.3.33 [e2e, pr]

  [FAILED] Unexpected error:
      <*errors.StatusError | 0xc000328aa0>: 
      secrets "9hlc9ul3xemhir6ejrx8e97x5tplyrdk" already exists
          ErrStatus: {
              TypeMeta: {Kind: "", APIVersion: ""},
              ListMeta: {
                  SelfLink: "",
                  ResourceVersion: "",
                  Continue: "",
                  RemainingItemCount: nil,
              Status: "Failure",
              Message: "secrets \"9hlc9ul3xemhir6ejrx8e97x5tplyrdk\" already exists",
              Reason: "AlreadyExists",
              Details: {
                  Name: "9hlc9ul3xemhir6ejrx8e97x5tplyrdk",
                  Group: "",
                  Kind: "secrets",
                  UID: "",
                  Causes: nil,
                  RetryAfterSeconds: 0,
              Code: 409,
  In [It] at: /codebuild/output/src157854643/src/ @ 06/25/24 11:30:55.978

That failure is unrelated 👀