FoundationGames / Automobility

A Minecraft mod on the Fabric modloader which aims to add some useful vehicles.
MIT License
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Automobility is crashing on startup when loaded with other mods such as geckolib #33

Open Atlasuser1 opened 1 year ago

Atlasuser1 commented 1 year ago

Starting up the game it loads until the mojang red screen then closes and gives this error: The game crashed whilst rendering overlay Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class io.github.foundationgames.automobility.block.model.SlopeUnbakedModel Exit Code: -1

here is my crash log:

FoundationGames commented 1 year ago

Your mod list appears to be cut off in the log you posted Either way, this error is quite unusual and the only way I can think of it happening is the jar you downloaded being corrupt or another mod doing something extremely sketchy, I'll have to reproduce it myself

GreenForzeGaming commented 1 year ago

happens to me aswell crash-2023-02-25_16.15.35-client.txt

zaeonNineZero commented 1 year ago

This may be the same issue as #28 and #29, as the root java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is the same between all of the crash reports across each of these issues. It always fails at the same class and is triggered as a result of missing mod dependencies.

Eztex commented 1 year ago

I have been having this issue when I try to run the K-Turrets mod. The error goes away whenever I remove either mod. I need my tractor more than I need turrets.

Macpr0 commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue and I demand my Tractors!