FoundationGames / EnhancedBlockEntities

A Minecraft Mod for Fabric which aims to make Block Entity rendering faster and more customizable with almost no compromises.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
229 stars 52 forks source link

EBE Making Entities Invisible only on Select Texture Packs #155

Open AlrightGG opened 1 year ago

AlrightGG commented 1 year ago

So I was trying out some different texture packs and noticed that entities went invisible only while using specific texture packs. Some packs showed entities as normal, and others didn't show them at all, but regardless, turning EBE off made them go back to normal.

FoundationGames commented 1 year ago

Try enabling "Force Resource Pack Compatibility" in this mod's configuration screen (Mod Menu, or Video Settings > Block Entities)