FoundationGames / EnhancedBlockEntities

A Minecraft Mod for Fabric which aims to make Block Entity rendering faster and more customizable with almost no compromises.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Enhanced chests and Enhanced shulker boxes toggle turn off again after turning on then applying #209

Open SonaSudebta opened 1 month ago

SonaSudebta commented 1 month ago

Fabric loader: 0.15.10 Game version: 1.20.4 Running with mods: image image image image image image

Everytime I try to enable enhanced chests or enhanced shulker boxes or both at the same time, it will just disable itself after clicking apply. I'm not sure why this is happening, would love some insight into this.

stickyblue commented 1 month ago

Hey !

If you look at your logs (I assume you are using MultiMC) you can see that it says that Entity Model Features is overriding the configs, hence the toggles not working.

You should be able to disable the chests and shulkerboxes override in the configs of Entity Model Features, but I didn't find the exact config that you need to change. I suggest you to disable Entity Model Features and Entity Texture Features while I am searching for this config, so you can still benefit from Enhanced Block Entities !

I'll keep you updated if I find what you need to disable in order to still be able to use EMF and ETF.

Best Regards.

SonaSudebta commented 1 month ago

alright! thank you so much and I await more info!!

stickyblue commented 1 month ago

Hey ! I found the setting ! (I don't know how I didn't see it yesterday) Go to your Entity Model Features configs (you can access it through Mod Menu), then go to Models, Options & Fixes, and turn off the third toggle "Enhanced Block Entities (EBE) Mod patch".

Once you've done that, you should be able to toggle on Enhanced Chests and Enhanced Shulker Boxes in the Block Entity Settings of Enhanced Block Entities !

Hope it works for you ! If so, I let you tag this issue as Solved (or Closed, I can't remember how it works on GitHub) !

Have a nice day !