FoundationGames / EnhancedBlockEntities

A Minecraft Mod for Fabric which aims to make Block Entity rendering faster and more customizable with almost no compromises.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
228 stars 52 forks source link

Decorated pots in minecarts do not render #216

Open muzikbike opened 3 weeks ago

muzikbike commented 3 weeks ago

Same deal as #215 - plenty of other blocks render fine in minecarts due to EBE's changes while they don't in vanilla, but decorated pots don't quite get the message.

Example command: /summon minecraft:minecart ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1b,DisplayState:{Name:"minecraft:decorated_pot"},DisplayOffset:16}

Vanilla: 2024-06-07_15 09 43

EBE: 2024-06-07_15 09 12