FoundationGames / Sandwichable

Customizable Sandwich mod for Minecraft
MIT License
32 stars 28 forks source link

Crash while using this mod #159

Open Ross2750 opened 10 months ago

Ross2750 commented 10 months ago

What Minecraft and Sandwichable version were you using?

Sandwichable v1.3.a+1.19.2 Quilt

A summary of the bug/crash (what you did vs. what you expected to happen)

I was opening Minecraft, and it crash This crash only happens when I use quilt, If I use fabric it works fine

What other mods were you playing with?

image image

Exact instructions for how to make the bug happen again:

  1. Install Sandwichable on Quilt
  2. Launch Minecraft
  3. Game crashed

Game logs (if this is a crash, please attach one)


Quilt crash screenshot: image