FountainJS / generator-fountain-angular1

Yeoman 'fountain' generator to start a webapp with Angular 1
MIT License
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gulp-hub #63

Open rajansiingh opened 7 years ago

rajansiingh commented 7 years ago

"gulp-hub" is not working in windows, due to which error is coming "gulp registry is not a function" !! Please help !!

latviancoder commented 7 years ago

It doesn't work when you install gulp-hub directly, but it does work with this version:

"gulp-hub": "frankwallis/gulp-hub#d461b9c700df9010d0a8694e4af1fb96d9f38bf4"

I have no idea why, but it fixed the problem for me.

rajansiingh commented 7 years ago

I tried this thing as well but it didn't helped me.

mohitt commented 7 years ago

It seems that it is still not working even though I have "gitHead": "d461b9c700df9010d0a8694e4af1fb96d9f38bf4", on Windows 10

baywet commented 7 years ago

Solved it add this to both dev deps and deps, I guess the fix is to come in the next version. "gulp": "github:gulpjs/gulp#4.0", "gulp-hub": "github:frankwallis/gulp-hub#4.0",

Swiip commented 7 years ago

Using gulp 4 deps on branches caused us troubles in the pass because every day devs on gulp 4 branch can break our generators. That's why we opt-in for explicit commits. The commit currently chosen has problem in Win10? If yes, we can consider updating it to another but not directly on the branch.

nekoyoubi commented 7 years ago

These two dependencies are making it seemingly impossible for me to scaffold Fountain on my corporate network. Is there no way to update my global (or even just my local) for these two without npm i needing to go to github to download them?