FountainJS / generator-fountain-webapp

Yeoman 'fountain' generator to start a webapp
MIT License
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npm install packages UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY #186

Closed jinnabaalu closed 7 years ago

jinnabaalu commented 7 years ago

issue in installing packages

UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY babel-core@^6.0.0

UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY rxjs@5.0.0-beta.12

UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY webpack@2.1.0-beta.27


npm WARN @angular/router@3.4.9 requires a peer of rxjs@^5.0.1 but none was installed. npm WARN @angular/http@2.4.9 requires a peer of rxjs@^5.0.1 but none was installed. npm WARN @angular/core@2.4.9 requires a peer of rxjs@^5.0.1 but none was installed. npm WARN @angular/core@2.4.9 requires a peer of zone.js@^0.7.2 but none was installed. npm WARN extract-text-webpack-plugin@2.1.0 requires a peer of webpack@^2.2.0 but none was installed. npm WARN webpack-fail-plugin@1.0.6 requires a peer of webpack@^1.9.11 but none was installed. npm WARN babel-loader@6.4.0 requires a peer of babel-core@^6.0.0 but none was installed.

here is my .yo-rc.json file

{ "generator-fountain-angular2": { "version": "1.0.0-rc2", "props": { "framework": "angular2", "modules": "webpack", "js": "typescript", "ci": [ "jenkins" ], "css": "css", "resolved": "/usr/lib/node_modules/generator-fountain-webapp/node_modules/generator-fountain-angular2/generators/app/index.js", "namespace": "fountain-angular2", "argv": { "remain": [], "cooked": [], "original": [] }, "sample": "techs", "router": "router" } } }

Swiip commented 7 years ago

Please update to generator 1.0.0 final and it should work.

jinnabaalu commented 7 years ago

My bad, Worked, we can close this issue