Starting of with Angular1 + Webpack , I find an issue with sass-loader on the version: 1.0.0-rc1. I try to upgrade the generator by running the yo command . Below is what I during upgrade
Error Message & Stack Trace
bash-3.2$ yo
? 'Allo Ashique! What would you like to do? Update your generators
? Generators to update generator-fountain-webapp
└── generator-fountain-webapp@1.0.0
I've just updated your generators. Remember, you can update
a specific generator with npm by running:
npm install -g generator-_______
Starting of with Angular1 + Webpack , I find an issue with sass-loader on the
version: 1.0.0-rc1
. I try to upgrade the generator by running theyo
command . Below is what I during upgradeError Message & Stack Trace
I dont understand why upgrading generator does not update the