FountainJS / generator-fountain-webapp

Yeoman 'fountain' generator to start a webapp
MIT License
967 stars 67 forks source link

What's next #48

Open Swiip opened 8 years ago

Swiip commented 8 years ago

Some people asked us about the next focuses and goals of the project. Here ours list as it is. We don't really order things and pick next subjects part because of the trends, part because of our will :)

Of course, any contribution on one of these subjects will be more than welcome.

To finish


New generators

Web site



Proof of concetps

qlonik commented 8 years ago


Are there any plans to bring protractor tests back into at least angular 1 from gulp-angular? I'm not sure if they even work in angular 2, but it would be nice to have them in angular 1.

On the side note, could you please share outline or couple ideas that you have about routing? Maybe some people who really need that could implement and send a pull request?


Delapouite commented 8 years ago

Stylus support would be really nice! I'll try to make a PR, but first I'll try to understand the full architecture of the nested projects.

The first step is to work on right?

micaelmbagira commented 8 years ago

@Delapouite Thanks for contributing, yes it would be nice to have stylus support!

Delapouite commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the pointers micael. First PRs incoming :

Maybe we should open a new issue dedicated to stylus to avoid spamming this one

ghost commented 8 years ago

Is there any plans to support MeteorJS?

JimLynchCodes commented 8 years ago

How about Redux? That's becoming the de facto way to manage state for Angular 1, Angular 2, and React. It would awesome to have one of the quesions be, "Do you want to have Redux already in your project and set up for you?". :)

micaelmbagira commented 8 years ago

Hi @JimTheMan, if you select the TodoMVC option you will have Redux set up with React and ngrx/store (one implementation of Flux pattern) set up with Angular 2

zoamel commented 8 years ago

Yeah but having ngRedux in Angular 1.x would also be beneficial, cause there are not many tutorials about how to integrate this approach with first angular.

lhas commented 7 years ago

Great job here, folks! Thanks for this generator. Pretty useful! :+1:

JimLynchCodes commented 7 years ago

Welcome! Now that you've joined the club will you ever use another generator? ;)

vinicius73 commented 7 years ago

Looking forward to version vue js :metal: !

fuchao2012 commented 7 years ago

waiting for GMD

chadfurman commented 7 years ago

Mithril: A very cool, lightweight JS framework. Polymer: Setting up a process / folder structure to make building with Polymer easy will be appreciated

Maybe a poll to determine the highest priority for your framework integrations?

mhadaily commented 7 years ago

Hi, How may I help with Ember 2? I am ready to contribute if anybody is not working on that.