FountainMC / FountainAPI

A 'simple but beautiful' Minecraft Server Plugin API
MIT License
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Switch to Slf4J #6

Closed PizzaCrust closed 7 years ago

PizzaCrust commented 8 years ago

What logging system?

Techcable commented 8 years ago

Slf4j so we aren't tied to a specific logging implementation. Bukkit uses java.util.Logger, and they have to do hackery/trickery to get it to work with log4j. Slf4j is unarguably the best since we don't tie implementations to a specific logging implementation (and it has a nice API).

PizzaCrust commented 8 years ago

Slf4j Log4j implementation?

phase commented 8 years ago

Minecraft has a LogManager class which we could add a getter for in the Fountain class.

PizzaCrust commented 8 years ago

You'd have to add Log4j as a dependency to your POM.

Techcable commented 8 years ago

No, we want to wrap log4j with Slf4J. Slf4j is an interface/API, log4j is an implementation. Actually, log4j doesn't directly implement slf4j, you need to use a wrapper.

Techcable commented 7 years ago

Fixed as of edb137ab4a348ed5915b144554a7959f28415d72