FourierFlows / FourierFlows.jl

Tools for building fast, hackable, pseudospectral partial differential equation solvers on periodic domains
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added: XY advection dynamics example #357

Open pankajpopli opened 12 months ago

pankajpopli commented 12 months ago

We solve 2D vector field which follows the following equation

\partial_t ~\vec{p}  & = J~\nabla^2\vec{p} +  A (\vec{p}\cdot\vec{\nabla})\vec{p} + \Gamma~(\alpha-|\vec{p}|^2)\vec{p}\\

Which is essentially a classical XY model plus advection. Here $\vec{p} = (p_x(x,y,t), p_y(x,y,t)$ is a function of space and time.

navidcy commented 12 months ago

Hi @pankajpopli! thanks for the contribution!

Could you please include a small description in the first comment of this PR explaining a bit more what this example solves/demonstrates? Personally, I don't really understand even what equations the example is solving from the phrase "solving a 2D vectorial field (XY+advection)". I tried to add your example in the list of literated examples so I could have a look at the literated version but that didn't work for me.. :(

pankajpopli commented 12 months ago

I have now corrected the docs and it should compile correctly. Since I am new to contributing on GitHub, I apologize if I am not following the guidelines. In that case, please advise.

navidcy commented 12 months ago

I have now corrected the docs and it should compile correctly. Since I am new to contributing on GitHub, I apologize if I am not following the guidelines. In that case, please advise.

Don't worry about that!

Good. Probably the docs will fail because I noticed you used Plots.jl for plotting while we currently use Makie. But I can help with that.

I saw you updated the first post to add the equation! Thanks!

glwagner commented 12 months ago

Wikipedia entry for XY model:

Feel free to give a better citation for XY model if it's out there.

pankajpopli commented 12 months ago

These two should suffice, a landmark paper and a landmark book :)

[1] Kosterlitz, J. M.; Thouless, D. J. (1973), "Ordering, metastability and phase transitions in two-dimensional systems", Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 6 (7): 1181–1203,

[2] P. Chaikin and T. Lubensky, Principles of Condensed Matter Physics (Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 1995).

pankajpopli commented 12 months ago

please add one more [3] P. C. Hohenberg and B. I. Halperin, "Theory of dynamic critical phenomena", Rev. Mod. Phys. 49, 435, July 1977

pankajpopli commented 12 months ago

sorry for the installments but this paper should be added as well

[4] John Toner and Yuhai Tu, "Long-Range Order in a Two-Dimensional Dynamical XY Model: How Birds Fly Together", Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4326, December 1995

pankajpopli commented 11 months ago

added: References and CairoMakie

navidcy commented 11 months ago

Thanks for that! Sorry haven’t had time to have a closer look yet!

pankajpopli commented 11 months ago

let me update XYAdvection.jl by

navidcy commented 11 months ago

@pankajpopli, I had a look at the module and the example and I have a few general remarks.

  1. The XYadvection module does not follow the style of other modules (e.g. the OneDShallowWater example or the Diffusion module or the modules included, e.g, in GeophysicalFlows.jl or PassiveTracerFlows.jl.

  2. I don't understand the need to define methods like set_2Dgrid which basically returns the grid (same for set_Vars or set_Params).

  3. Coding style: We strive to have a homogeneous coding style. This includes spaces after commas, colons, or semicolons. Also we usually omit the indentation for eveything between

    module XYAdvection

end # end module

4. I built the docs using
julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.instantiate()'; JULIA_DEBUG=Documenter julia --project=docs docs/make.jl
and then opened the example but I saw it does not include much or any documentation.
  1. I don't understand the docstrings that mention "to be called from main". What is "main"?

  2. run_and_save: functions like that we leave for the user to deal with at the level of their script. In that note, it should not be part of the module in src/XYAdvection.jl but rather part of the examples/XYadvection.jl?

navidcy commented 11 months ago

Also we should add tests for the XYadvection module. Is there any known solution (even for a simple case, e.g. with some of the coefficients zero) that we could include as part of the tests?

pankajpopli commented 11 months ago

Many thanks for the remarks and suggestions!

I am first trying to cast the XYAdvection.jl in lines with diffusion.jl or "Linear rotating shallow water dynamics"

I initially intended it to be a default module of FourierFlows.jl in the beginning but I agree with your last comment now.

There are few tests for the equation, where two topological defects merge with each other giving an ordered state. Not sure if that would suffice the to Julia, please advice

navidcy commented 11 months ago

Many thanks for the remarks and suggestions!

I am first trying to cast the XYAdvection.jl in lines with diffusion.jl or "Linear rotating shallow water dynamics"

I initially intended it to be a default module of FourierFlows.jl in the beginning but I agree with your last comment now.

There are few tests for the equation, where two topological defects merge with each other giving an ordered state. Not sure if that would suffice the to Julia, please advice

Let's leave the tests for last. I now noticed that neither the Diffusion module nor the OneDShallowWater example have tests associated with them.

Do you think you'd go for a module in src + an example that demonstrates it or something like OneDShallowWater which is like the two above in one?