FourierFlows / GeophysicalFlows.jl

Geophysical fluid dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
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Use KernelAbstractions to accelerate `MultilayerQG.streamfunctionfrompv!` #112

Open glwagner opened 3 years ago

glwagner commented 3 years ago

KernelAbstractions.jl can be used to accelerate the function

A simple example showing how to use KernelAbstractions is the "Naive Transpose":

glwagner commented 3 years ago

The first step is to write a kernel, which will look something like

@kernel invert_column!(ψh, qh, S⁻¹)
    i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
    @inbounds ψh[i, j] .= S⁻¹[i, j] * qh[i, j]

The next step is to create a work layout over which the kernel is launched. If we restrict attention to models that always have more than 32 grid points, we can use something like

# Larger workgroups are generally more efficient. For more generality, we could put an if statement that incurs
# different behavior when either nkl or nl are less than 16
workgroup = 16, 16

# The size determines how many times the kernel is run
worksize = grid.nkr,

# This (and its useage below) will ensure the kernel is not run _before_ the data in qh is available
barrier = Event(dev)

# Creates a loop over the specified worksize, using workgroup to organize the computation
loop_invert_column! = invert_column!(dev, workgroup, worksize)

# Launch the kernel
event = loop_invert_column!(ψh, qh, params.invS, dependencies=barrier)

# This will ensure that no other operations occur until the kernel has finished
wait(dev, event)
glwagner commented 3 years ago

One thing I am not totally sure about is whether KernelAbstractions will compile away the matrix multiplication in @inbounds ψh[i, j] .= S⁻¹[i, j] * qh[i, j]. I think that it will. If not, we may have to unroll our own loop.

glwagner commented 3 years ago

By the way, I think this optimization also requires the columns of ψh[i, j] to be stored as StaticArrays. It looks like ψh is a 3D array right now. Other parts of the code may also have to converted to kernels if this change is made, since broadcasting over the 3D array would no longer work.

navidcy commented 3 years ago

With this last suggestion would x, y FFTs work nicely?

glwagner commented 3 years ago

With this last suggestion would x, y FFTs work nicely?

Oof, good point.

Hmm, maybe we need to hand-write the matrix matrix multiply then. Not sure.

navidcy commented 3 years ago

yes it's been coming to haunt us either way... (I remember a similar discussion some months ago...)

glwagner commented 3 years ago

Something like

@kernel invert_column!(ψh, qh, S⁻¹)
    i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
    ψh_column = view(ψh, i, j, :)
    qh_column = view(qh, i, j, :)
    @inbounds ψh_column .= S⁻¹[i, j] * qh_column

might work.

glwagner commented 3 years ago

Otherwise a kernel along the lines of

using KernelAbstractions.Extras.LoopInfo: @unroll

@kernel invert_column!(ψh, qh, S⁻¹, nz)
    i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)

    @unroll for k = 1:nz

        @inbounds ψh[i, j, k] = 0

        @unroll for m = 1:nz
            @inbounds ψh[i, j, k] += S⁻¹[i, j][k, m] * qh[i, j, m]


might work, alternatively. Or maybe my indices are screwed up --- whichever is correct.

Nothing is too difficult, it's just a matter of trying it out.

navidcy commented 3 years ago

I should resurrect this..

navidcy commented 3 years ago

What about to the rescue? (just a random thought)

glwagner commented 3 years ago

There's probably a lot of solutions! I think I gave two, but there might be more.