FourierFlows / GeophysicalFlows.jl

Geophysical fluid dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
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Add background zonal flow `U` or `U(y)` in the `SingleLayerQG` module #360

Closed mncrowe closed 1 month ago

mncrowe commented 2 months ago

[edited] Add a constant background zonal flow in the $U$ which can also be varying in $y$, i.e., $U(y)$. When the background advection is constant (not varying with $y$) it's included in the linear term L of the equation; when it's varying with $y$ it's included in the nonlinear term N alongside with contributions from background PV gradient $\partial_y^2 U$.

mncrowe commented 1 month ago

I've added a draft of the full functionality with U = U(y) (periodic in y). One question: when evaluating CalcN! there's an assignment Uy = real.(ifft(im * grid.l .* fft(params.U))). This seems to be required as there's no 1D fft plan in the grid that could be used with mul!. My questions:

  1. Is this the best way to do this derivative?
  2. An identical value is calculated and assigned each timestep. As it's only in the y direction it shouldn't take too much memory, however, is this step (in particular, assigning GPU memory) likely to slow down the timestepping?
  3. We could have Uy saved in params but this seems unnecessary. Do you agree?
navidcy commented 1 month ago

@mncrowe is it OK if I push few edits?

navidcy commented 1 month ago

There are two things left to do:

  1. remove the if params.U isa Number ... else ... statement from calc_advection!

ace06eb attempts to address 1.

I only wrote two methods for calcN_advection! that dispatch on the type of the param.Ul I haven't checked whether the terms written there for non-zero U are correct. But doing a test as point 2 suggests will ensure that the terms are correct!

navidcy commented 1 month ago

Btw, we also need to update docs/src/modules/

navidcy commented 1 month ago

I think I see a minor problem. When U is just a number, don't we need a term - U ∂η/∂x? At the moment this term is not included.

I think I'll try to refactor the code to mimic the MultiLayerQG where the background PV gradients include the ∂η/∂x and ∂η/∂y terms and the ∂²U/∂y² (if U is not a constant).

navidcy commented 1 month ago

@mncrowe I think I did everything! Have a look and let me know if you find any issues running the code or if the code is not behaving as you expect? Otherwise I'm happy to merge this!

navidcy commented 1 month ago

I would just appreciate your look on the code. In principle I can approve the PR but it'd be nice if somebody else has a look because I made few changes.

mncrowe commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the very thorough reviewing and rewrite. Is there anything outstanding for me to do?

navidcy commented 1 month ago

Does it work as expected?

navidcy commented 1 month ago

A flow at rest advected by a background imposed U=0.5 over some topography.

using GeophysicalFlows, GLMakie, Printf

    dev = CPU()
      n = 256
stepper = "FilteredRK4"
     dt = 0.02
 nsteps = 4000
 nsubs  = 5
      L = 2π

σx, σy = 0.4, 0.8
topographicPV(x, y) = 3exp(-(x - 1)^2 / 2σx^2 - (y - 1)^2 / 2σy^2) - 2exp(- (x + 1)^2 / 2σx^2 - (y + 1)^2 / 2σy^2)

prob = SingleLayerQG.Problem(dev; nx=n, Lx=L, eta=topographicPV, U=0.5, dt, stepper, aliased_fraction=0)
sol, clock, vars, params, grid = prob.sol, prob.clock, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid

x,  y  = grid.x,  grid.y
Lx, Ly = grid.Lx, grid.Ly

q = Observable(Array(vars.q))

fig = Figure(size=(380, 300))

axis_kwargs = (xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y", aspect = 1,
               limits = ((-Lx/2, Lx/2), (-Ly/2, Ly/2)))

title_q = Observable("initial vorticity ∂v/∂x-∂u/∂y")
axq = Axis(fig[1, 1]; title = title_q, axis_kwargs...)

hm = heatmap!(axq, x, y, q, colormap = :balance, colorrange = (-5, 5))

Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm)

contour!(axq, x, y, params.eta;
         levels = collect(0.5:1:2.5), linewidth = 2, color = (:black, 0.5))
contour!(axq, x, y, params.eta;
         levels = collect(-2.5:1:-0.5), linewidth = 2, color = (:grey, 0.7), linestyle = :dash)

title_q[] = "vorticity, t=" * @sprintf("%.2f", clock.t)

record(fig, "singlelayerqg_topography_U0.mp4", 0:round(Int, nsteps/nsubs), framerate = 40) do j
  q[] = irfft(sol, grid.nx)
  title_q[] = "vorticity, t=" * @sprintf("%.2f", clock.t)
  stepforward!(prob, nsubs)

mncrowe commented 1 month ago

Does it work as expected?

All my scripts are producing the same results as before, and match my earlier results using Dedalus.

navidcy commented 1 month ago

Nice! I’m merging then.