Open cpmta opened 1 week ago
Here are the results of the same pcap once executed with the latest and then again with the latest ja4 on linux Python only displays the JA4H
VMware-Virtual-Platform:~/tmp/ja4/python$ ~/ja4/ja4 test.pcap - stream: 0 transport: tcp src: <--redacted--> dst: <--redacted--> src_port: 1040 dst_port: 80 tls_server_name: ja4: t12d830700_4cb4e1c7a84f_4446390ac224 ja4s: t120300_c030_bec8bdbaef8a tls_certs: - x509: - ja4x: 2958ffa05805_2166164053c1_000000000000 issuerCountryName:<--redacted--> issuerStateOrProvinceName:<--redacted--> issuerOrganizationName:<--redacted--> issuerOrganizationalUnit:<--redacted--> issuerCommonName:<--redacted--> subjectCountryName:<--redacted--> subjectStateOrProvinceName:<--redacted--> subjectLocalityName:<--redacted--> subjectOrganizationName:<--redacted--> subjectOrganizationalUnit:<--redacted--> subjectCommonName:<--redacted--> ja4l_c: 112_128 ja4l_s: 104_64 http: - ja4h: co11nn030000_c8b241c27500_000000000000_000000000000
VMware-Virtual-Platform:~/tmp/ja4/python$ python3 test.pcap {'stream': 0, 'src': '<--redacted-->', 'dst': '<--redacted-->', 'srcport': '1040', 'dstport': '80', 'JA4H': 'co11nn030000_c8b241c27500_000000000000_000000000000'}
Hi, can you send us the pcap that you used.
Can I share it with you in private ?
Here are the results of the same pcap once executed with the latest and then again with the latest ja4 on linux Python only displays the JA4H