FoxIO-LLC / ja4

JA4+ is a suite of network fingerprinting standards
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Nginx submodule not working as expected #92

Closed hugojcqs closed 2 months ago

hugojcqs commented 2 months ago


Not sure this is the place, but the original issue was not addressed for a while on the Nginx submodule git. (

The problem being that not all fields are filled as exposed by the following screenshot (built witch docker buildx, all branches and release tested):


Could you help on this issue or provide direction to help me resolve it ? I did some digging but was unable to find a solution, I will for sure make a pull request if I manage to correct this.


john-althouse commented 2 months ago

We are actively working on getting all of JA4+ into nginx for multiple projects. Right now it's just JA4. @ThatcherT can provide an update.

ThatcherT commented 2 months ago

@hugojcqs @john-althouse closing this as it is being addressed on the submodule repository

We'll provide updates as they come in!