Foxboron / sbctl

:computer: :lock: :key: Secure Boot key manager
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Why does sbctl return "‼ /boot/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi does not exist" #276

Closed hueychen27 closed 5 months ago

hueychen27 commented 5 months ago

I installed bootctl and then removed it. Now I get this line when I run sbctl verify: ‼ /boot/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi does not exist Does anyone know why this is happening?

hueychen27 commented 5 months ago

I found how to fix it. Edit /usr/share/secureboot/files.db and take out the part that says /boot/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi