Foxenfurter / SqueezeDSP

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Spotify is not working #3

Open DerPicknicker opened 9 months ago

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago


I was trying your awesome plugin. But for me it's not working via Spotify are there any plans to integrate the support for Spotify?

I tried via Spotify connect and also via the webui of LMS...

BTW: Is there any way to listen live to the changes of the EQ?

Thank you in advance

Edit: Also no all AirplaySpeaker connected via the AirplayBridge-Plugin aren't available inside the plugin settings while native airplay devices (AppleTVs are shown)

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

At the moment it works via Spotify but not via Spotify connect. One of the other users has found a solution with the conversion string whereby change $file to $url fixes the issue. I am planning to put this fix into the next patch, but changes to the conversion settings take serious testing as it is easy to break stuff.

Live EQ changes, I have already investigate this as it was a requested feature when I started work on it. Unfortunately LMS sound processing is not done real-time, it is more similar to a movie stream that allows you to play as soon as it fills the buffer but then continues to download the movie as you watch. So LMS processes the file and writes it to a buffer ready for the player. All the DSP processing is therefore done as fast as possible. You get something like realtime EQ on a raspberry Pi 3, but that is accident rather than design and can lead to stuttering sound as the buffer underruns. So I am not hopeful on this one. NB it would really help me when testing, as I have to restart tracks continually!

As for the Airplay Speaker via Bridge - I think this is a question for the Air-Bridge plugin thread on Slimdevices Forum. SqueezeDSP can be setup for any player that the LMS Host server recognises. I am guessing that at this point you are one step removed from LMS and Airplay has taken over hence LMS doesn't know about the speaker, but that is just speculation on my part.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

At the moment it works via Spotify but not via Spotify connect.

Hi, thank you for your detailed response. Let's try to go step by step through the topics.

For me the DSP plugin doesn't work with Spotify is there a known bug? If not how can I debug the plugin and find the problem while using Spotify. I use an MacBook with the squeezelite app. There only local music works. For me it would more than enough to make work via the webui of LMS.

Processing Power is not the problem here on my side. LMS runs on a SFF (i5-6500t) under Proxmox. It would be great if the dsp Plugin pauses the track, use the new changes and restart the track where it was paused. To listen more directly to the changes at the exact same position.

Regarding the AirPlay topic: The speaker works with the Plugin from LMS only the dsp is not working ;)

If you need more information just let me know. I will do my best to give you all the required information.

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

Let's deal with Airplay first, it may be an implementation of the Airplay Bridge, I can't really advise as I don't have any apple speakers or similar to test against. I can see if I can get a response from Phillipe the developer of the airplay bridge to see if he can shed some light on it.

I will need to test whether pausing will reset the stream, I think that this may be source dependent. I know that skipping forward in Spotify at least does reset the stream, but in Qobuz both pausing and skipping forward causes play to move onto the next track.

I am somewhat mystified by why Spotify via LMS and SqueezeDSP is not working when playing to Squeezelite as I use this myself all the time. I note that your server is Proxmax (I am not familiar with that setup :) ) are you running docker or something else on it?

Anyway to get more log info - First check the standard LMS log

SqueezeDSP log is located within the LMS Log folder (depends upon Operating system, but you can find the location in settings->information). The log is unlikely to help unless it is set to debug is activated as follows - enable debug in the SqueezeDSP config file (SqueezeDSP_config.json) this is done by changing the entry "debug":"false" to "debug":"true". The file is located in the same folder as the binary on my machine this is ..\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\SqueezeDSP\Bin.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hi @Foxenfurter ...

I will provide the logs asap.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hi @Foxenfurter ...

Before I can send the logs (I will try tomorrow..) I want to explain my setup:

I am somewhat mystified by why Spotify via LMS and SqueezeDSP is not working when playing to Squeezelite as I use this myself all the time. I note that your server is Proxmax (I am not familiar with that setup :) ) are you running docker or something else on it?

Proxmox is used for virtualisation. In this setup I used different VMs (HomeAssistant, Ubuntu with different services).

The LMS runs under an LXC-Container. The big advantage is that it doesn't need a lot of ram as a normal VM. Without playing only 150mb. If a player is playing it goes up to 250 (based on the player count or if played from Spotify) .. This container is based on Ubuntu 22.04? Basically it's a normal Ubuntu installation.

All the LMS function are working normal and there is no difference between a raspberry or this setup. With the small difference in the performance. If I use the DSP there are some spikes to 10% but as said this is not a problem. Because 10% is only for that instance. So nevermind about performance.

Thank you in advance!

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hi @Foxenfurter ...

Sorry for the Delay! Here is the Log with local Files (where the EQ is working fine):

2023-10-29 08:49:45.706942 SqueezeDSP(/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/SqueezeDSP/Setti>
2023-10-29 08:49:45.708380 SqueezeDSP(version 0.9.34) --id=88:e9:fe:80:53:28 --wav=tru>
2023-10-29 08:49:45.709572 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Setup 0.7181
2023-10-29 08:49:45.737596 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Normalize Target Level: 0.9935999999999999
2023-10-29 08:49:45.737725 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 EQ Max Gain: 1.3199592813753815
2023-10-29 08:49:45.737805 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 EQ Norm Max Gain: 0.9935999999999999
2023-10-29 08:49:45.737859 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Filters Built: Use EQ True
2023-10-29 08:49:45.743914 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Convolve EQ Only
2023-10-29 08:49:45.758923 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Loadmpulse 15.0046
2023-10-29 08:49:45.759262 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 SqueezeDSP Setting Up Processing Chain: 0>
2023-10-29 08:49:45.759484 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Writer gain Left: 0.153108746168203 Right>
2023-10-29 08:49:45.761986 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 16/44100 PCM => 24/44100 PCM TRIANGULAR, >
2023-10-29 08:49:45.762032 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 SqueezeDSP Intialisation took: 00:00:00.0>
2023-10-29 08:49:47.873756 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 CLIPPING+
2023-10-29 08:49:59.656298 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 CLIPPING-
2023-10-29 08:49:59.656483 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 CLIPPING-
2023-10-29 08:50:01.927092 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 CLIPPING-

And now the Log with Spotify :

2023-10-29 08:51:32.838854 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Write fault 32: Broken pipe
2023-10-29 08:51:32.839426 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 1601137 samples, 107130.3842 ms (53.2492 init), 0.3389 * realtime, peak 0.4102 dBfs
2023-10-29 08:51:32.839895 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 SqueezeDSP main (finally section) flush stdio & force close

Hope this Helps... BTW: Can I set up different EQ-Presets for different Players?

EDIT: Both tests are done via the webui so I didn't test Spotify connect. I just use the spotty plugin for LMS.

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

Looks like it is not writing output correctly. Can you send me a copy of your custom-convert.conf file it is located in the same folder as the SqueezeDSP plugin binary. particularly for player - 88:e9:fe:80:53:28

Mine looks like this for Spotty

spt flc * d0:50:99:85:19:e9

RT:{START=--start-position %s}

[spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hi ..

here is the Sequence you requested ;)

spt flc * d0:50:99:85:19:e9
        # RT:{START=--start-position %s}
        [spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hi .. sorry ignore the Post above. Here is the right one:

spt flc * 88:e9:fe:80:53:28
        # RT:{START=--start-position %s}
        [spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="88:e9:fe:80:53:28" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

custom-convert looks OK. Yes you can setup EQ for different players, just use extras menu for the player on the web page. Can you send me SqueezeDSP log entries for a full song for the Spotty failure, with debug enabled? A success for me looks like this

2023-10-29 21:56:54.665249 SqueezeDSP(C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\SqueezeDSP\Settings) --id=d0:50:99:85:19:e9 --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 2023-10-29 21:56:54.674246 SqueezeDSP(version 0.9.34) --id=d0:50:99:85:19:e9 --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 2023-10-29 21:56:54.681160 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Setup 3.3817 2023-10-29 21:56:54.967565 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Normalize Target Level: 0.9935999999999999 2023-10-29 21:56:54.969299 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 EQ Max Gain: 1.1395141408860794 2023-10-29 21:56:54.970810 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 EQ Norm Max Gain: 0.9935999999999999 2023-10-29 21:56:54.972313 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Filters Built: Use EQ True 2023-10-29 21:56:54.998276 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 FIR Impulse Initial Max Gain: 0.6184711456298828 2023-10-29 21:56:54.999293 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 FIR Impulse Norm Max Gain: 0.9673188131636326 2023-10-29 21:56:55.000112 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Load impulse 5.2177 2023-10-29 21:56:55.071520 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Combined Impulse Max Gain: 0.005372056271880865 2023-10-29 21:56:55.072525 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Combined Impulse Norm Max Gain: 0.9675436296738246 2023-10-29 21:56:55.073340 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Convolve & EQ: 78.4427 2023-10-29 21:56:55.094637 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Loadmpulse 99.7488 2023-10-29 21:56:55.096511 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 SqueezeDSP Setting Up Processing Chain: 00:00:00.4196702 2023-10-29 21:56:55.098312 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Writer gain Left: 0.15940428807122176 Right 0.1575796022743924 2023-10-29 21:56:55.104534 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 16/44100 PCM => 24/44100 PCM TRIANGULAR, preamp -2 db, internal gain -16 dB 2023-10-29 21:56:55.105585 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 SqueezeDSP Intialisation took: 00:00:00.4291401 2023-10-29 21:59:44.917418 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 End of input (stream) at 9735379. 2023-10-29 21:59:44.941855 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 Write DSPUtil.FastConvolver.d0_50_99_85_19_e9.tail (19050) 2023-10-29 21:59:44.952263 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 9735379 samples, 170275.6597 ms (429.1401 init), 1.2965 * realtime, peak -1.7362 dBfs 2023-10-29 21:59:44.953443 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 SqueezeDSP main (finally section) flush stdio & force close

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago


So the Airplay Bridge and the DSP Plugin is not recommend to use together. My SqueezeLite Player won't recognise if the Airplay Bridge is running and in the network an Airplay device is online.

Regarding the LOG: The Log doesn't look different:

2023-10-30 06:25:27.686091 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Write fault 32: Broken pipe
2023-10-30 06:25:27.686271 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 2072062 samples, 25410.1734 ms (166.5008 init), 1.8491 * realtime, peak -1.5226 dBfs

This Is the Full Log for the Spotify output. Nothing more.... The Local Files are still working fine.

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

Have you switched on debug for Spotty log above - The log is unlikely to help unless it is set to debug is activated as follows - enable debug in the SqueezeDSP config file (SqueezeDSP_config.json) this is done by changing the entry "debug":"false" to "debug":"true". The file is located in the same folder as the binary on my machine this is ..\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\SqueezeDSP\Bin.

There should be a lot more info than you have posted and this would give me an indication of where the issue is occurring.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

@Foxenfurter ..

Should I set the Debug Log for Spotty and SqueezeDSP or only for DSP?

Here is the Full log I get out of SqueezeDSP: 2023-10-30 11:07:12.583404 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Write fault 32: Broken pipe 2023-10-30 11:07:12.583880 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 1881645 samples, 38077.0747 ms (15.355 init), 1.1206 * realtime, peak 0.314 dBfs 2023-10-30 11:07:12.584341 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 SqueezeDSP main (finally section) flush stdio & force close

here is the Log from the LMS WebUI :

[23-10-30 11:15:48.1380] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::updateTranscodingTable (274) TMPDIR=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321  -n Squeezebox -c "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/4d56cbae" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
[23-10-30 11:15:48.1381] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::updateTranscodingTable (274) TMPDIR=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321  -n Squeezebox -c "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/4d56cbae" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="aa:aa:c4:b3:9a:b0" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
[23-10-30 11:15:48.1382] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::updateTranscodingTable (274) TMPDIR=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321  -n Squeezebox -c "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/4d56cbae" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="88:e9:fe:80:53:28" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
[23-10-30 11:17:14.7954] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::updateTranscodingTable (274) TMPDIR=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321  -n Squeezebox -c "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/4d56cbae" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
[23-10-30 11:17:14.7955] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::updateTranscodingTable (274) TMPDIR=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321  -n Squeezebox -c "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/4d56cbae" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="aa:aa:c4:b3:9a:b0" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
[23-10-30 11:17:14.7956] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::updateTranscodingTable (274) TMPDIR=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321  -n Squeezebox -c "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/4d56cbae" --single-track $FILE$ --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [sox]  -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44.1k -L - -t wav  - | [SqueezeDSP] --id="88:e9:fe:80:53:28" --wav=true --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -
Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

It's the SqueezeDSP log I am interested in with debug on. Just to confirm, you don't get an entry like
2023-10-12 14:01:11.213452 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 24/44100 PCM => 24/44100 PCM TRIANGULAR, preamp -2 db, internal gain -16 dB before 2023-10-30 11:07:12.583404 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Write fault 32: Broken pipe with SqueezeDSP.log set to debug?

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

It's the SqueezeDSP log I am interested in with debug on.

Just to confirm, you don't get an entry like

2023-10-12 14:01:11.213452 d0:50:99:85:19:e9 24/44100 PCM => 24/44100 PCM TRIANGULAR, preamp -2 db, internal gain -16 dB

before 2023-10-30 11:07:12.583404 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Write fault 32: Broken pipe

with SqueezeDSP.log set to debug?

Yes exactly .. nothing more .. I validated the config again before I wrote the reply.

How should we proceed? Should I try a different audio source like internet radio?

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

The reason why I am struggling with this is that you are getting such minimal messages in the SqueezeDSP debug log vs Spotify when the configuration seems to be fine as it is working with your other sources. If it were going to fail, I would have expected it to get further before failing. Given that it is failing this early, it may be something to do with transcoding. It may be worth checking which version of SoX that you are using as this is a known issue

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hi again. EDIT: VERSION OF SOX: SoX v14.4.3 I tested a different source (TuneIn) and it also works... So it must be something in a really early stage of decoding.

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

14.4.3 is current version.

I am just testing a new config which cuts out the SoX conversion step. SqueezeDSP can theoretically read in raw streams but I never got it working before. I will see if I can get this working and deployed. Simplifying the chain will reduce load and may resolve the issue you have.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

@Foxenfurter ... THIS WOULD BE AWESOME.

Could you imagine why it's working on your system but not on mine..? If I can test or support you. Please notify me.

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

maybe you can try manually amending the custom-conv.conf files for the affected player, when I have something working. I will also post you the link to the beta version as and when it is done.

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

I have edited the custom-conv.conf (located here /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SqueezeDSP) for my test docker version of SqueezeDSP and amended the spotify to flac line so that it looks like this

spt flc * d0:50:99:85:19:e9

RT:{START=--start-position %s}

    [spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track $URL$ --bitrate 320 --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ |  [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=false --r=44100 --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -

you would need to keep the mac address of your player.

This combines a few changes. Spotty reference to File is replaced by URL, bit rate is fixed to 320, sox conversion from raw pcm to wav is removed SqueezeDSP amended to support raw PCM at a fixed rate of 44100.

I have installed C3P0 plugin (not my plugn but useful for debugging config)- use the player settings and choose C3P0 make sure the plugin is NOT enabled for the player and then choose the last executed command. If the command worked, you should see something like this....


TMPDIR=/config/cache/spotty [spotty-x86_64] --ap-port=12321 --enable-volume-normalisation -n Squeezebox -c "/config/cache/spotty/70a51b7b" --single-track $URL$ --bitrate 320 --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ | [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=false --r=44100 --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

NB the fix to the plugin will take a while to roll-out as I need to deploy it via packages and test functionality on various platforms before going live.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

Hello @Foxenfurter ..

Just for my understanding. I should change the custom-convert-File to this: spt flc * d0:50:99:85:19:e9 # RT:{START=--start-position %s} [spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track U R L -bitrate 320 --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache S T A R T | [SqueezeDSP] --id="d0:50:99:85:19:e9" --wav=false -r=44100 --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -

But I have to change the MAC_adress to my player, right? After doing this I should comeback to you, am I right?

Thank you for the support!

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

Firstly, no pressure - only do this if you want to.

Assuming you are changing the player that you have posted about before you would locate the section relating to player 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 within the custom-conv.conf file and change the settings to this

spt flc * 88:e9:fe:80:53:28

RT:{START=--start-position %s}

    [spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track $URL$ --bitrate 320 --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache $START$ |  [SqueezeDSP] --id="88:e9:fe:80:53:28" --wav=false --r=44100 --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -

You will need to select a new track once you have changed the settings and saved them.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

@Foxenfurter ..

I will try that tomorrow. It's not a problem for me. I make a backup every 24hours of my VMs so if something is broken I can just restore my backup.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

@Foxenfurter ...

I tried now your changes but without any Luck.

I get still the same error:

2023-11-01 19:06:32.195100 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 Write fault 32: Broken pipe
2023-11-01 19:06:32.195588 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 1326772 samples, 8962.7726 ms (54.0736 init), 3.3567 * realtime, peak 1.3266 dBfs
2023-11-01 19:06:32.196152 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 SqueezeDSP main (finally section) flush stdio & force close

Here is the part of the Custom-Convert:

spt flc * 88:e9:fe:80:53:28 
# RT:{START=--start-position %s} 
[spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track URL --bitrate 320 --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache START | [SqueezeDSP] --id="88:e9:fe:80:53:28" --wav=false --r=44100 --wavo=true --d=24 | [flac] -cs -0 --totally-silent --ignore-chunk-sizes -

How should we proceed? - The local Music works still fine.....

Foxenfurter commented 9 months ago

RT:{START=--start-position %s}

[spotty] -n Squeezebox -c "$CACHE$" --single-track $URL$ --bitrate 320 --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache  $START$ 

Note the START should be embedded between $ symbols. It didn't paste properly when I copied it, sorry about that.

NB You also need to restart LMS after editing of custom-conv.conf.

DerPicknicker commented 9 months ago

@Foxenfurter Thank you. I will try that.. I am a busy this week.. I hope to find the time at the weekend or beginning next week. I will give you an update.

Foxenfurter commented 8 months ago

I have pushed the update live today so you should not need to edit your settings. I am not sure that this will fix the issue you had with Spotty but it is worth a try. If it does not work, you can send me a screen-shot of your file type settings for Spotty and I should be able to advise.

DerPicknicker commented 8 months ago

Hi @Foxenfurter ,

I will try that today and give you an update here.

DerPicknicker commented 8 months ago

Hi @Foxenfurter ..

How can I check that Iam using the newest version...? I have currently v0.1.08d installed.

Foxenfurter commented 8 months ago

0.1.08d as per the plugin settings is the latest version. The previous version was 0.1.07a and this was the first non test version.

DerPicknicker commented 8 months ago

@Foxenfurter ... I will test it.

DerPicknicker commented 8 months ago

@Foxenfurter ...

New player tested and also with the latest release Spotify doesn't work here on my side.

Foxenfurter commented 8 months ago

That's a shame, I assume it is with LMS running on the Proxmox install and just vs Spotty plugin. I am going to have little time to look into this before January, but it feels like it is something to do with the Spotty part of the convert. In the meantime and if you get a moment could you confirm what format Spotty is transcoding to when you use it without SqueezeDSP? this may give me a pointer.

DerPicknicker commented 8 months ago

@Foxenfurter ...

Should I check the spotty log for the codec which is used?

Foxenfurter commented 8 months ago

The best bet is to download the C3P0 plugin, make sure you disable it for all players ( this is because you don't want to use the C3P0 transcoding path as it replaces SqueezeDSP). You can then check the transcoding instructions in use for each player by using Settings->Player->C3P0 Transcoding Settings and then check the Last Executed Command setting. You can then see what is different with a player that works and the transporter. NB You only see info if the transcoding works, so you may need to disable the Impulse for this test.

DerPicknicker commented 8 months ago

@Foxenfurter ...

I will do that Asap. Don't stress yourself about this topic. For me it's not something that important but if we found the issue it might be helpful for others ;-)