Foxy / foxy-elements

Elements and resources for use in other front-end code, like the admin and customer portal.
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SignInForm not detecting change triggered by Safari autofill for customer portal #155

Open adamjudd opened 3 months ago

adamjudd commented 3 months ago

When using Safari autofill on the customer portal, while the fields are being autofilled correctly, the "Sign In" button is remaining disabled as if the fields haven't been completed yet. You need to click into the autofilled values, and edit them to cause the sign in to detect the fields as being filled.

I replicated this on iOS (17.4) Safari using both iCloud and 1Password autofill, but they ultimately are filling using the same system so that's not a surprise. I can also replicate this on macOS Safari (17.2), only using the default browser autofill, 1Password works fine.

It seems work fine on iOS Chrome, Firefox and Opera though - so this appears to be something specific to Safari.