Comment(s): You did good with getting your CSS and images into the project. Your CSS is accessed via relative path, so great work there. Your images however, are accessed via absolute path, which isn't desirable. You should change this. Other than that, nice work.
Criteria 2: Implementation of Design Specification and Content
Score Level: 4/4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): Your page includes all styles and content provided in the design specification. Nice work!
Criteria 3: HTML Tags and Content
Score Level: 4/4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): Your HTML content matches the design specification. Everything is present from the header to the appropriate sections. You also use elements according to their semantic meaning when displaying the different types of content on the page, which is awesome! I would recommend grouping your sections with something like a section or div element to make them easier to read/manipulate, but other than that, awesome job!
Criteria 4: Use of CSS Selectors and Syntax
Score Level: 4/4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): You did well when choosing your CSS selectors. You gave them descriptive names, which also enhances readability of the code. You also did well to keep the code "DRY" but applying shared styles to top level parent selectors such as body. Nice work!
Overall Score: 15/16
Overall, you did a great job with this project. Your formatting was great, making all of code easy to read. You demonstrated good knowledge of both HTML and CSS - using semantic elements appropriately in the HTML and leveraging inheritance to keep your CSS "DRY." You built your project to meet all of the specs and it shows in the final product. Great work!
Rubric Score
Criteria 1: HTML and CSS Linking
Criteria 2: Implementation of Design Specification and Content
Criteria 3: HTML Tags and Content
Criteria 4: Use of CSS Selectors and Syntax
Overall Score: 15/16
Overall, you did a great job with this project. Your formatting was great, making all of code easy to read. You demonstrated good knowledge of both HTML and CSS - using semantic elements appropriately in the HTML and leveraging inheritance to keep your CSS "DRY." You built your project to meet all of the specs and it shows in the final product. Great work!