Fr0sT-Brutal / awesome-pascal

A curated list of awesome Delphi/FreePascal/(any)Pascal frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Open source and freeware only!
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New libs #180

Closed Makhaon closed 1 year ago

Makhaon commented 1 year ago

Next found list :)

libssh2 Delphi. [Delphi] [FPC] Delphi/Pascal Wrapper around the library libssh2, ssh and sftp protocols SQLite for Delphi and FreePascal/Lazarus. [Delphi] [FPC] This package contains complete SQLite3 API translation for Delphi and FreePascal/Lazarus, as well as a simple Unicode-enabled object wrapper to simplify the use of this database engine. Blen2d4Delphi. [Delphi] Blend2D is a high performance 2D vector graphics engine written in C++ and released under the Zlib license. The engine utilizes a built-in JIT compiler to generate optimized pipelines at runtime and is capable of using multiple threads to boost the performance beyond the possibilities of single-threaded rendering. Delphi wrapper for libdmtx. [Delphi] Libdmtx is a software library that enables programs to read and write Data Matrix barcodes of the modern ECC200 variety. The library runs natively on several platforms and can be accessed by multiple languages using the libdmtx language wrappers TurboRaylib. [Delphi] [FPC] TurboRaylib is a cool and clean Raylib bindings for Object Pascal (Delphi and FreePascal). Raylib is a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming. iPub Messaging. [Delphi] Thread safe, asynchronous and simplistic messaging system for communication between classes / layers in delphi created by the iPub team. Usb serial controller for Android [Delphi] Usb serial controller for Android Cross-platform Go/Golang GUI library [FPC] Cross-platform Golang GUI library, The core binding is liblcl, a common cross-platform GUI library created by Lazarus. Pascal wrapper for RHash. [Delphi] [FPC] RHash is a console application for calculating various check- and hashsums, including CRC32, CRC32C, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, SHA3, AICH, ED2K, DC++ TTH, BitTorrent BTIH, Tiger, GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.11-2012, RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R, and Whirlpool. RHash is written in C and is really very fast. LibRHash is a library that "drives" the RHash and can be compiled into a separate DLL or SO library file. ComPort Library. [Delphi] COM Port Library for Delphi (fork from SourceForge) . The ComPort Library contains code to access COM Ports. Originally, the COM port was the name of the serial port interface of IBM-PC compatible computers. While nowadays COM ports get less important for communication in favor for USB access, it is still in use as virtual ports, especially as simple communication protocol for maker boards. James - The Delphi Project Manager. [Delphi] It makes your life easier while switching from one project to another. If you see yourself manually installing components and updating Delphi settings every time you have to switch from one project to another, James may help you. Kryvich's Delphi Reporter. [Delphi] Simple but powerful reporting tool for Embarcadero's (CodeGear, Borland) Delphi. It generates reports in TXT, RTF, HTML and XML formats based on custom templates and information from any TDataSet compatible data sets. GraphQL for Delphi. [Delphi] Simple implementation for GraphQL, a query language for APIs created by Facebook. GraphQL is a query language for your API and a server-side runtime for executing queries using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn't tied to any specific database or storage engine and is instead backed by your existing code and data. Fido Library. [Delphi] The Fido library has been created to make the life of a Delphi developer easier by following the "describe behavior instead of coding it, whenever is possible" design principle. Below is a list of the most important core features: Mappers, JSON marshalling and unmarshalling, Virtual database features, Virtual Api clients, Virtual Api servers, Websockets, Consul and Fabio support, Boxes, Events driven architecture, Functional programming, Currying, Caching, Channels Form Designer component for Delphi (VCL). [Delphi] Form Designer (TFormDesigner) can be used to design and modify Delphi (VCL) forms at runtime. The behavior and appearance is similar to that of Delphi IDE.

HemulGM commented 1 year ago

Fix desc

[libssh2 Delphi]( `[Delphi]` `[FPC]` Delphi/Pascal Wrapper around the library libssh2, ssh and sftp protocols 
[SQLite for Delphi and FreePascal/Lazarus]( `[Delphi]` `[FPC]` This package contains complete SQLite3 API translation for Delphi and FreePascal/Lazarus, as well as a simple Unicode-enabled object wrapper to simplify the use of this database engine. 
[Blen2d4Delphi]( `[Delphi]` Blend2D is a high performance 2D vector graphics engine written in C++ and released under the Zlib license. The engine utilizes a built-in JIT compiler to generate optimized pipelines at runtime and is capable of using multiple threads to boost the performance beyond the possibilities of single-threaded rendering.
Fr0sT-Brutal commented 1 year ago

Thanks, added partially

Fr0sT-Brutal commented 1 year ago

Added fully