Fr33dan / GPSaveConverter

Utility to transfer save files between the games installed from the Xbox app and other storefronts.
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Day of the tentacle - converted savs not working #11

Open vexdon opened 1 year ago

vexdon commented 1 year ago

Hi, I managed myself to write down correct translation parameters, as the sav files seems to be copied well (I see them into xbox game). but when I try to load, the game suddenly quits. Any help? Find some details following. Thankyou

App screen image

Steam save data files image

xbox package id C:\Users******\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.DayoftheTentacleRemastered_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

Sorry to say that everything looks right. Although you have save file 003 selected based on the timestamps you only copied save file 001. Try moving the other files to see if maybe that save has become corrupt and the other work or if one file is referencing another, this is a shot in the dark though.

Probably not the problem but there seems to be a small error in the file translation, I can see in the non-Xbox file name that the regex group pattern is shown (but cut off). Everything but the named groups should only contain the substitution target. It should jut show ${FileNumber} with the (?<FileNumber> ... syntax only used in the named groups section. Thinking about it though this may work anyway, I'd have to do some testing.

I'll think about it to see if I can come up with something that I think may work but I'm afraid this may be another red mark on the wiki page :-(

vexdon commented 1 year ago

Thanks for hints, I copied all files but no luck :-(
