Fr33dan / GPSaveConverter

Utility to transfer save files between the games installed from the Xbox app and other storefronts.
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Forza Horizon 5 Unhandled Exception #29

Open Redicious opened 1 year ago

Redicious commented 1 year ago

Since my issue seems unrelated to the other open issues, I'll just dump my error here:

Exception appears when clicking on Forza Horizon 5 in GPSaceConverter.





I've started the steam version at least once, and I can see the steam savegames. Also tried running the app as administrator

BUT, I was trying to convert it manually, following and already moved the steam savegames, when I first started GPSaveConverter, and then read here that it was required to have the steam savegames in place, so I copied them back and tried again, but same result. Do you cache data anywhere I may need to remove?

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

I'm not understanding what is going on here either. Your non-Xbox save files show a containers.index file which is how the Xbox files are tracked.

There is a button in File > Preferences to reset all settings. The software will then close and when you re-open it will be like a first start.

ofc-jawbone commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue, but I just fixed it. In my MS store wgs folder. there were 3 folders containing the index file, but only one contained the large number of folders and index file. Once deleting those other two folders, the save converter worked as intended.

JoshuaDup commented 1 year ago

I seem to be getting this error aswell and nothing has fixed it.