Fr33dan / GPSaveConverter

Utility to transfer save files between the games installed from the Xbox app and other storefronts.
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Forza Horizon 5 Invalid Profile after transfering save data to Xbox Save Files with Xbox Save Converter. #30

Closed Marat777475 closed 1 year ago

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago


Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Well, It's the same screenshot from my previous post but i have the same error with error code. I updated date of the files and then moved them into Xbox Save Files from Steam (Non-Xbox Save Files) and i still have this error after transfering, May be i've done something wrong with transfering?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Desktop Screenshot 2022 12 26 - 15 39 29 08 Here, I updated date of the 3 files and then moved up.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

I guess i should move five files to Xbox Save Files to achive my goal.

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid I'm just not sure what is going on. Just to make sure I understand the problem fully I'm going to recap. If anything I say here is incorrect please correct my misunderstanding.

Here are a few things that I think are relevent, but I can't explain:

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

I think I should move all files from Non-Xbox Save files to Xbox Save files. May be It'll solve this issue.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure but I'm trying.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

I renamed all three files from A4 to A3, and then move them up to Xbox Save Files with the single arrow, then I launch the game and with attempt to enter the game I can't enter because of that Error. I should try to move other files from Non-Xbox Save Files up. May be It requires other files including 3 of them including Profiledata.

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

That is a good thing to try. Also since you may want to try re-naming the file ending in meta so that it matches the name of the one in your Xbox files.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Also I have an error with Xbox Save Converter with renamed Files.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Desktop Screenshot 2022 12 27 - 02 35 53 76 Here

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

When you re-name the files leave the zeros at the front off so it would just start "User_901". Also you have selected some files that have not been renamed.

Remember that when you select a file on either table, the matching file will be selected on the other table. If nothing is selected, then the match isn't working and you haven't renamed the files correctly.

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

You want what is shown in "Container Name 1" and "Container Name 2" to match the file names before the dot.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Ok. I'm gonna rename two of them.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Desktop Screenshot 2022 12 27 - 03 11 17 81 @fr33dan, Here, I moved the files up to Xbox Save Files CORRECTLY I GUESS, Should that work?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

If yes, I'm gonna launch the game, If no, I should try to move 2 backup files.

Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

As best I can tell what you have looks correct.

I am also still curious about the last two files listed on your Xbox save files. Could you use File > Copy file table(s) to copy the full names to your clipboard and the use Ctrl + V to paste it into a comment here?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

I mean 2 backup files: such as User_901FBB83F62A4_Backup.2535455429976740Meta and User_901FBB83F62A4_Backup.ProfileBackup

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Forza Horizon 5 Screenshot 2022 12 27 - 04 57 56 05 @Fr33dan, No, I got this error again. What to do?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

@Fr33dan, I've done it almost right and then i entered the game and i got this issue again. Any solution to it?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Should i repair the game and try again?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

@Fr33dan Let me know.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Or. Move 2 backup files to The second folder of my Xbox Save Files?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Here, 209577554-3419db80-3142-43a8-9d71-ad3f659b25db.png

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Desktop Screenshot 2022 12 28 - 05 25 55 17 Well, i was trying to sing out my main account and then signed into my second account. Then i signed into my main account. That didn't work, the game forced me to restart it and i still have that issue. But i launched the Converter and i see the second Xbox Profile with my Non Xbox profile's ID.

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Does it give me error because i renamed files?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

May be i should play the game and transfer my save?

Marat777475 commented 1 year ago

Yes, it worked i just moved profile data to Xbox Save FIles. IT FINALLY WORKS THANKS FOR THIS TOOL:)