Fr33dan / GPSaveConverter

Utility to transfer save files between the games installed from the Xbox app and other storefronts.
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FFXII Zodiac Age: Multiple containers? #69

Open AndressMartin opened 8 months ago

AndressMartin commented 8 months ago

Hi there! I have a small question, I was unable to figure it out:

This is what the structure of FFXII on Xbox looks like:



And this is how it is supposed to look like in the steam files:


As you can see, the Xbox game has two containers, one named "ff12" which is not present in the Steam version. I'm guessing that means these are multiple containers for a single save, in which case it is impossible to convert?

I tried just converting the FFXII_000 but the save file is always corrupt. Renaming the ff12 to something like FFXII_001 also does not work.

Thank you very much in advance.

Fr33dan commented 3 months ago

There is only one container because there is only one combination of Container Name 1 and Container Name 2 (each combination is a container). That container has two blobs in it. Each of those blobs is one of the files with cryptic names included in your second screenshot.

What you could do is open all files in a hex viewer or text editor to see if you can ID what type of files they are. If you can tell what one of the FFXII_NNN files look like so you know which file in the Xbox files is the ff12 file and try to match it to one of the Xbox files.

This may not be fruitful however as the file may be different than any of the non-Xbox files. For example, they may have come up with a new file type to combine the data in GameSettings.ini and keymap.ini into a single file on the Xbox version so there simply isn't an equivalent in the non-Xbox version to move.

Also the difference in file sizes is a concern. Could be attributed to one save file having different progression, but could also be a sign that the files are fundamentally different somehow.