Fr3nchT0uch / Digidream_2

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Does the demo still work if the HEIGHT changes to 91? #1

Closed univta0001 closed 4 months ago

univta0001 commented 4 months ago

Hi, first of all, thanks for the great demo.

This demo seems to work for HEIGHT for both 90 and 91 and verified in AppleWin. Does HEIGHT = 91 works for real machines ?

I have also experimented the code with NTSC parameters and it works like charm

Archange427 commented 4 months ago

I can't test it at the moment because my real A2 is in bad shape (especially the Mockingboard!). But I will test as soon as possible.

And for the NTSC, it's good to know. But this time I won't be able to test at all on a real machine because I only have a PAL version!

univta0001 commented 4 months ago

For NTSC, the only code difference is in the main.a around line 323

               LDA VERTBLANK                       ; wait for start of VBL (IIc specific) and INT occurs
                BPL -
                LDY #70                             ; then WAIT 120 (PAL: 70+50) lines = VBL delay
                                                    ; then WAIT 70 (NTSC: 70) lines = VBL delay          
                JSR WAIT65
                LDA #00
                STA bINTIIc                         ; init to zero (IIc only)
                JMP .next
                ; ==========================================================

                ; ==========================================================
                ; CODE FOR IIe 
                ; ==========================================================
.IIe            ; wait for DISPLAY
-               LDA VERTBLANK
                BMI -        
-               LDA VERTBLANK
                BPL -                               ; wait until next DISPLAY
                ; ==========================================================

.next           ; here "beginning" of DISPLAY (no need to be more precise)
                LDY #75
                JSR WAIT65                          ; wait Y lines (first part of HGR)


                ; set 6522-1/T2 INT delay - sync code for beginning DGR window
                LDX #$84                                                        
                LDY #$42                             ; one full PAL frame (20280-2 = 4f36)
                                                            ; one full NTSC frame (17030-2 = 4284)                                                                 
                STX $C408                           ; T2C_1-Lower                    
                STY $C409                           ; T2C_1-High  (+reset interrupt flag)

                HEIGHT = 90                         ; lines/height of DGR window
                DELAY1 = HEIGHT*65-2                ; nb of cyles for DGR window (minus 2 for INT)
                DELAY2 = (192+70-HEIGHT)*65-2    ; nb of cycles of the rest of the frame (display+vbl-window) (minus 2) 

The compiled binary is tested on AppleWin and also on my emulator at It is able to run successfully on both. Strangely my emulator do not work perfectly for PAL. It starts to work if the HEIGHT is set to 91. However using HEIGHT = 91, it does not work for the NTSC binary. AppleWin works for both HEIGHT = 90 / 91 and PAL / NTSC.

Does this demo leverages on the defer IRQ last tick of 6502 for it to work ?

Attached is the compiles binary for DD2 for NTSC

Archange427 commented 4 months ago

I didn't know your emulator at all (shame on me). Very interesting! I added it immediately to my workspace so I could directly test my woz/dsk with it from VSC. I see that when we use HEIGHT=90 in PAL, with EMU6502 we seem to lose sync. As if the INT was not waiting for an entire frame but with a few fewer cycles (this is why the transition between modes goes back little by little.) Look around line 712 the interesting part:

            LDA #(<DELAY1-14)                   ; 14 => (LDA+SEC+ADC+STA=12 to substract) - 2 (6522/timer)
            SEC                                 ; compute new delay value (minus cycles already passed)
            ADC $C408                           ; SEC/negative value here (counter = $FFXX)
            STA $C408
            LDA #>DELAY1
            ADC $C409         
            STA $C409                           ; write T2C_1-High / reset IFR

Maybe an issue with the value returned by the 6522 counter in some cases? (DELAY1 = HEIGHT*65-2)

univta0001 commented 4 months ago

Hi, thanks for providing the hint at looking at value return from $C408 and $C409. Indeed, it is a implementation issue when writing to $C408 (T2CL), it also writes to T2C. I have updated the implementation to only update to the T2C latch. After this fix, the demo is able to run on both PAL and NTSC with HEIGHT = 90 and 91 (same as AppleWin).

Thanks. you can close this ticket.