FrPSUG / LogManagement

PowerShell module to manage logs
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Should we use a PS Classe as a core framework of the module ? #7

Open lazywinadmin opened 5 years ago

lazywinadmin commented 5 years ago

Cons: Won't work prior to PS5 👎

christophekumor commented 5 years ago

My personnal, very personnal opinion : i prefer ps3+ modules.

lazywinadmin commented 5 years ago

example of PS Class for log (provided by @lxlechat

Class Log {

    $LogPath = $null

    Log ([String]$a){
        if ( !(test-path $a) ) {
            New-Item -Path $a -ItemType file
            $this.LogPath = $a
        } else {
            $this.LogPath = $a

    Log ([String]$a,[Bool]$FileTimeStamp){
        $leaf =  $(get-date -Format "ddMMyyyy_hhmmss") + "_" + $(split-path $a -Leaf)
        $path = Join-Path -Path (split-path $a) -ChildPath $leaf

        if ( !(test-path $path) ) {
            New-Item -Path $path -ItemType file
            $this.LogPath = $path
        } else {
            $this.LogPath = $path

    Log () {}

    [void] WriteMessage ([String]$m, [Bool]$n){
        If ( $this.LogPath -ne $null ) {
            If ( $n ) {
                $(get-date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss") + ' - ' + $m >> $this.LogPath
            } else {
                $m >> $this.LogPath
$Log = [Log]::New($LogPath)
$Log.writeMessage("Start Script...",$True)

$true represent the timestamp at the beginning of the line

LaurentLienhard commented 5 years ago

I would like to use classes just to learn classes and for maintainability. But I understand that if we want to have retrocompatibility we should avoid classes

LxLeChat commented 5 years ago

Classes add flexibility. For example, you instantiate a new log file (wich contains properties and methods) then you can simply call the methods you like on this log file. Plus you can wrap a ps function to create your log instance, so it's more accessible for common users.

downside like said before: ps version.

lazywinadmin commented 5 years ago

I think it would be interesting to look at classes too. PS 5 was released in 2015/2016... I think we can take the risk of only supporting PS5+

Stephanevg commented 5 years ago

non mais les gars, bous en managez bcp des servers encore qui ont pas plus haut que ps3?

Et franchement si c'est le cas, y a pas un pb de lifecycle quelque part? powershell 7 est quasi la, donc on fais pas de chichi, on arrrete de ce trouver des excuses, et on ce met le prerequisite de ps5.1 Et on commence avec les classes !! ;)

Stephanevg commented 5 years ago

et donc pr repondre finalement a la question de l'issue: Oui, utiliser des classes fera bcp plus de sense car on pourra bcp plus facilement designer / discuter / documenter le module.

De plus, c'est l'occasion idéale pour apprendre / approfondir les classes pr la communauté Française.

Pr moi, la version ps est un faux prétexte, et n'est pas une raison valide pour écrire du 'légacy' code.