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2.4GHz signal NOT lost when rx turned off with tandem rx #4018

Open Jedsters opened 2 months ago

Jedsters commented 2 months ago

I am using a TD SR10 with the latest firmware and notice that sometimes when I power off the rx that the tx still thinks there is a signal. This means that if I try to turn the tx off I get the receiver still connected warning and have to accept that in order to turn the tx off.

This photo shows at top right that the 2.4GHz signal is still full strength with 100db RSSI although the VFR 2.4G shows red, while the 900M signal is lost and red while display shows


The telemetry page shows similar



Wolepo commented 2 months ago

Do not switch off the transmitter until the message "Telemetry interrupted" is displayed. Then the incorrect message does not appear.

Jedsters commented 2 months ago

Wolepo, it sounds like you think I'm being impatient and trying to turn off the tx immediately after the rx which isn't the case.

In this situation (when it happens, it appears to be erratic at the minute, I've not worked out when it happens), your suggestion possibly result in me draining the tx battery. Normally when I turn off the TD SR10 I loose both 2.4G and 900M within a second or so. However above (which wasn't the only time this has happened), I turned off the rx, waited for both signals to drop, except they didn't, so I went to get my phone to take a photo etc.. I don't believe it is normal or acceptable for loss of 2.4G signal not to be detected for minutes (if ever). With every other rx I've used the signal drops within a second or so, and I know that if you turn off the tx too quickly (i.e. within a few seconds) you can get a rx still connected warning and you may not get the telemetry lost message immediately, that is only ever for a few seconds certainly not minutes. As the above shows, I had time to navigate between the home screen and the telemetry screen which I'd have thought should be long enough in itself, let alone me waiting for the signal to drop deciding it wasn't going to and I needed to record this, going to get my phone, taking photos on top of that. A quick check of the timestamp of the above photos show there was 18s difference between them, surely that in itself is more than enough time.

Wolepo commented 2 months ago

It has always worked until now if I wait until the "Telemetry lost" message appears. Regardless of the RX. X10S Express 1.5.7

Jedsters commented 2 months ago

Is the difference that this is a tandem rx, which X10S doesn't support AFAIK. The 900M signal dropped as expected however the 2.4G signal didn't. I can only guess there is a code path which checks the 900M signal and then if certain circumstances are true doesn't check the 2.4G signal.

rwijnhov commented 2 months ago

It's a bug I already reported it here

Jedsters commented 2 months ago

Thanks @rwijnhov I'm slightly concerned that your issue has been marked with the RF issue tag - I don't see how it can be an RF issue when the rx isn't even powered on. I'll I'll leave this open for now, but hopefully between the two issues we can get all the reported problems resolved.

bsongis-frsky commented 2 months ago

I use the RF tag when I suspect the problem is in the Module (TX) or Receiver (RX). In short I can do nothing but forward the bug to the RF engineer

RealTadango commented 2 months ago

I have this also but very rarely. I feel this happens often when you are changing RF stuff, not during normal use of the model.

YvesBaroux commented 2 months ago

j'ai aussi ce problème assez souvent.

Jedsters commented 2 months ago

A couple of observations.

When I turn the rx off, the RSSI 900M drops about 0.5s before the RSSI 2.4G which seems a bit odd. Is something perhaps happening in that 0.5s which is relevant.

When I power on the rx the RSSI 900M is almost immediately displayed as e.g. 100db, however the RSSI 2.4G takes a number of seconds to gradually increment to e.g. 100db.

Both of these suggest that things are working in 2.4G slower than 900M.